Tales of Timbit

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Official (Second) Launch of Timbit Times

Official Launch of the Timbit Times

Okay fine fanz .....here it is FINALLY.... the first instalment of the Timbit Times-chronicles of Sweet Sammy Cline. (This is actually my second attempt at launching the blog after I brilliantly lost the password for the first posting so the date for this one should read August 28th) I am an admittedly horrifically careless and neglectful new maman for not having commenced this cyber anecdote collection earlier than his 3 month birthday mark (which incidentally was yesterday-remarkably I remembered ).

Just as an FYI for all you new subscribers to the Times- Sammy has adopted the nickname Timbit- a derivation of his papa's nickname Timmy.Anyhoo....I am going to TRY my very best and log/blog the latest and greatest endeavours of the Wee Wun here on these very pages so to keep the Sam Man's fans and friends up to date on his latest harrowing adventures. This weekend was highlighted with Sir Samuel's inaugural visit to his papa's proud homeland in grape and vino country-St. Kits aka St. CathArines, Ontario and surrounding area to visit his grandma and grandpa. As per usual, Sammy C. was the star of the evening wowing the family with his enthusiasm and exuberance on his flash vibrating play mat....I swear to the gods that the world would be one heckuva happier place if we were all granted time to shake our sillies and stresses off on our own vibrating pad. Sunday we trekked on our adventures to Fonthill where Sweet Sam helped his cousins Jack, Courtney, Katy 'tie one on' for Katy's 14th birthday party. Sammy was one heckuva a good sport sitting put at the sidelines whilst we all hoovered our juicy succulent steaks, taters, and ice cream cake. Little Man is now eagerly anticipating his first teeth in order to indulge in offerings more exotic than his blah bland diet of baby formula.

Kelly explaining to the Wee Wun that not all parties are thrown 'In Honour of Sam'

Today we kicked off the week on a mundane and mellow note whilst waiting for a Rogers Techie Surf to 'boost our signal'...I'd like to say it was worth the wait and anticipation but we'd be lying! We tried to distract ourselves with some Baby Einstein but opted to divert our attention to our all-time favourite pastime-watching the ceiling fan- oh my how our days seem to WHIRL with excitement! Soooo sports fans... that's enough rambling and raving to fill my first instalment of the Life and Times of Sammy C'. I will try to include some more glam shots of Subject Sam once we get our camera fixed from a weekend mishap (the birthday party/ 'Fun in Fonthill' got a little out of hand).


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