Tales of Timbit

Sunday, September 10, 2006

We're Baaaaaaaaaaaack!

After a long and very thoughtful pause (due to Mommy's loss of the username and password for the bebe blog) , we are back up and running here at the Timbit Times with some Crazy Catch Up Correspondence.

It has been quite the action packed 2 weeks. Notable highlights for Sir Sammy include:

  1. Hosting his first overseas guest.
  2. Surviving his first overnight away from his 'rents.
  3. Attending his first wedding

Friends Carla and Kevin hosted a 'one of kind' wedding Labour Day weekend extravaganza up near Mansfield. The nuptuals served as an excuse for friend Sammer MacDonald Sam to make a return trip visit back here to Canada. Sammy and I made an early getaway for the country and headed up north on the Thursday night with Nana. We made a pit stop to visit with Super Nana in Orangeville to show off how his latest growth spurt. On the Friday night we stayed at Springbrook farms with Nana before leaving Sammy in the care of his Uncle Mikey, Nana, and Grandpa Peter for his first overnight away from his 'rentals. Sammy did not appear to suffer one bit from separation anxiety after being smothered with nonstop attention and affection from his weekend keepers. The one night hiatus was likely a welcome change of scenery for the little lad but it was definitely tough on Sam Man's parents.

The wedding was hosted at a fabulous cottage on a beautiful property where almost half of the guests set up camp for the weekend. We arrived 'sans Sam' on Friday and were treated to a fabulous barbeque dinner and a night of chillaxin and catch up around the fire with friends. Most of the guests were ultra hard core and camped in tents for the entire weekend. Because Sir Sam was residing with us for the Sunday night we scored a room AND a bed in the main cottage for the entire weekend. Sammy was definitely our ticket to luxury. The soggy wet weather cooperated and cleared long enough to allow for a beautifully cozy outdoor ceremony after which Sammy comandeered 'his keepers' to deliver him to reunite with us to partake in his first wedding reception. Mike and Nana were long faced and vexxed at having to return Sammy to his rightful guardians after his night of babysitting his uncle and Nana.

The Wee Wun was definitely a hit with the wedding crowd. It was an opportunity for the Little Man to bond with the nutty cast of characters- Emily, Nix, Kevver, and Sammer that I worked with in Guyana. After an action packed night of 'workin' the crowd' we retired to the cottage where Sammy got to share a room with mom, dad, and 3 new girlfriends. The next morning we enjoyed our final spread of breakfast with the wedding crew before heading back to Toronto. Kevin and Carla and their families deserve an ultra hug HIGH five for having wined, dined and entertained such a huge cast of characters for the whole weekend whilst simultaneously staying calm, cool and focused enough to pull off a wonderfully magical wedding ceremony.

Sammy trying to woo the Beautiful Bride to Be before she ties the knot

Last weekend Sam Man chalked up a fine weekend of hosting Grandpa and Grandma as well as 'the other Sam' or better know as the Crazy Hair Lady as she finished up her 2006 Canadian tour back here in Toronto. On Monday we made a visit to the Armitage Associates headquarters for a visit with the crazy crew- Pops, Natalie, and Karen and Daddy joined in the fun. Sam played chaperone to the Armitage Associates gang whilst we dined at Spring Roll for one of the company's quarterly lunches. Sammy opted to stick to skip the Spring Rolls and Red curry in favour of a vintage bottle of formula.

The week was filled with exciting outings with 'the other Sam' whilst she shopped and delighted in the Canadian 'comforts of home' before trekking back to Dar Es Salaam on Wednesday night. Sammy is now eagerly planning his first East African visit to climb Kilimanjaro and spy up some giraffes and elephants.

The Little Lad continues to grow cuter and more charming by the millisecond!


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