Tales of Timbit

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sammy the Rabble Rouser

Mom, Pops and The Jr. Activist Lending an Ear to Romeo

Sir Sam-A-Lot (nickname stems from his supersize status) had an action packed weekend of entertaining and getting out n’about. Saturday afternoon the Wee Wun played host to a gaggle of new friends –Rich, Jodi, and Jamie. Papa fired up the BBQ with an impressive offering of carnivorous treats from our favourite Danforth flesh vendor-Royal Beef- whilst Sammy entertained the guests with the latest gossip and toilet humour he learned from his fellow Beach Baby pals.

Sunday we headed out with pal’s James and Alex to participate in Sammy’s first ever activist event. The Toronto rally was in support of sending a Canadian backed UN mission to serve in war torn Darfur. L’il activist Samuel joined a good crop of his fellow youth to throw his support behind the cause. One of our all time heroes Romeo Dallaire was on tap to show his support for the mission and remind us of the frightening parallels between the ’94 horror in Rwanda and the deteriorating situation in Darfur. Sam Man was there in full force relaying his support for the Darfurians.

After his activist afternoon of, Sammy led the charge to the Rebel House to debrief over a few cold bevies and some ‘scooby snacks’. The disciplined Sam Man skipped out on sampling the Rebel House’s fine microbrewery offerings opting instead to show loyalty for his bottles of formula. It was then time to head home to retire early after the action packed weekend.

James and Sam Showing Some Respek and Solidarity for Darfur

Sam is now asking all of his fans to follow his lead lobby their MP’s and the Honourable Stevie Harper to step up and do their part and offer up troops and logistical support to Darfur. Timbit has taken time out his busy play day schedule to compose a letter template for anyone else who wishes to throw their support behind a mission in Darfur. To learn more about whats going on in Darfur, please visit Stand Canada.


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