Tales of Timbit

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Big Boy Bops Around the Beaver Valley and Beyond

Meaford Fall Fair Fans

Sir Sam was a busy boy playing host to his Grandma this past week. I had to make a quick getaway to La Belle Province (in Drummondville) to attend a funeral and left the Sam Man in the quality care of his Grandma Grandpa. Despite his abscence at the funeral, Sammy made quite the splash 'in spirit' as Nana proudly criculated glamour shots of the Little Man to ALL the Illick relatives and extended family. Grandma gets a huge high five for having stepped up to the plate to 'bond' with Timbit twice in one week.To my great and shocking surprise, the Wee Wun seemed to survive with minimal emotional scars and separation anxiety from his Mmmmarvelous Maman. A plus of heading out of town was that Mark had to step in and take Sammy to the doc for his latest round of shots. I will admit I was not disappointed in pawning off the responsibility of having to witness the poor lad get poked and prodded with injections. Brave Boy seems to have endured the latest round of innoculations. I think the exercise was definetely more painful for Daddy than Sir Sam.

Friday we headed downtown to partake in the Armitage Associates Fall Luncheon down at Spring Rolls on Church. The Wee Wun seems to have taken a liking to the sight and smells of the Pan Asian fare. The Sam Man was thrilled to partake in his first pow wow with the inner Armitage Associates contituency circle and offered some valuable input on his thoughts on the current 'Talent Marketplace' and the latest hiring trends. He has agreed to continue his weekly consulting gigs at Armitage Associates on condition that he continue getting first dibs on the board room table for use as his change table and 'tummy time'.

Chairman of the Board Sammy ponders the firm's 3rd Quarter Objectives

Friday night we packed up to speed up to the Beaver Valley for another visit to Springbrook Farm to visit our fam and fans up north. Sammy had a great weekend frolicking in the fall foliage and hangin' with Tipper, Cordell, and the barncats. We toured the Meaford fall fair on Saturday where Sammy scored yet another piece of clothing from Nana- an adorable ski hat in which he resembles one of the Lost Boys in Peter Pan. We also scooped up a gorgeous handknit fisherman's sweater from one of the vendors;

After being teased with all the sights and smells of yummy fall eats and treats all weekend, the Wee Wun has started showing signs of teething. He is set on sharing in all the fresh fall fare offerings. Sammy is bound and determined to chomp down on one of Meaford's crisp apples before the harvest season is out. He has been quite a good sport at bearing the pain of his emerging fangs. Oragel and Gripe Water were his best buds on Sunday.

Sammy was busy giving his Halloween costume a trial run with his 'first fitting'. The little stinker looked oh so cute in his costume amidst the pumpkins and bright fall colours.

Despite being spoiled to death with lots of Nana's fine home cooking all weekend, we had to make our regular visit to Pizza Delite for dinner in Meaford. Sam more than 'DELITE'd the to proprietors Cathy and Noel for his innaugral showing at Pizza 'D'. Sam's adorable coo's and smiles totally stoked Cathy's need and desire to be a Grandma whether or not her poor daughter is ready for the 'urging' and persistence. Drool Monster Sammy had was swimming in pools of saliva from both his painful gums and the sweet smells of pizza. I think someone has inherited his papa's total weakness for all things bready and cheesy!

Cathy and Noel celebrating with the Petit Pizza Delight Franchisee 'in waiting'

We rounded out our Northwestern tour with a visit to see Super Nana in the "Big City" o' Orangeville. Sammy was more than proud to show off the growth spurt that he has experienced in his girth line and his multiple chins. Super Nana was most thrilled with the 'bonding opportunity'. Our dining extravaganza continued with a visit to Kelsey's for dinner and back to Nana's for fresh gingersnaps and date squares for dessert- again with poor Sammy being shut out from the 'solids' selections.

Super Nana with her All Time Favorite Great Granchild

It was then back to the Big Smoke so Tiny Timbit could 'call it a night' in his own bed and reflect on his action packed Beaver Valley visit.


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