Tales of Timbit

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Gobble Gobble to Terrific Turkey Times

Sam Man has once again chalked up a week packed o' action and cheap and cheerful thrills. The wee man is getting ever bigger and stronger by the milisecond. He has now taken to tugging and tuslling with my hair any chance that he can. This past week, Nana and I have been working to get his room spruced up a bit so to make it a wee less chaotic looking. The Wee Wun is on tap for some new curtains and a freshly painted chest of drawers.

Thursday we made our visit to the beach for Strollerfit for our weekly workout. The Sam Man coaxed and pushed me extra hard this week in order to make some room in my belly for Thanksgiving eats and treats.

Wiped and Worn Out from his Weekly Workout

Friday we packed up and headed to St. Catharines so Sam Man could visit the 'rellies' whilst Mark and I attended Rob and Win's wedding in Hammertown. There was definetely no room for boredom whilst bunking in with Grandma and Grandpa. The Wee Wun was thrilled by visits from his cuzzies Katy, Court, and Jack. I am not even sure that he even noticed our absence given his demanding schedule of schmoozing and entertaining his fans.

On Sunday, we buzzed back to St. Catharines to reunite with the Sam Man unday marked Sammmy's inaugural Thanksgiving dinner. The weekend marked Super Sammy's third time away from his maman and yet again the young lad braved his overnight with minimal/ zero separation anxiety. Grandma valiantly prepped a hearty and yummy Thanksgiving feast to devour and enjoy. Bound and determined not to pack on any extra holiday weight, the regimented and disciplined Sammy steered clear of the big feast and opted instead to undertake a rigourous workout of arm circles and 'running' on his mat. Boy did I ever feel guilty stuffing away the pumpkin pie while the little man steered clear of temptation and perservered withhis gruelling workout.

Sammy gives thanks and learns about his hardworking forefathers who laboured so dilligently to allow him his life of leisure and PLENTIFUL food supply

It was then time to retire back to T.O. to enjoy a quiet holiday Monday of clean up and chillaxin. After having survived one too many rides in our pig sty of a car, Sammy prodded his papa 'into action' to clean, scrub and clear out the car. Papa was awarded a huge gold star for his efforts and Sam is now proud and willing to be seen riding in daylight.


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