Tales of Timbit

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Namaste and Happy Short 'Work' Week

In order to recover from his hectic holidy weekend of entertaining and eating, Tiny Timbit embarked on a new regime of weekly yoga class . We attended our first class on Tuesday which is thankfully located just across the street at Wooedbine and Danforth. The little guy took to the class like a n elastic band stretching and showing off his downward dog and child's poses. It was a good way to get out and meet some other local kidlets with whom to hang and get to know Feeling quite zen and relaxed from the session and managed to K.O. for the better part of the afternoon.

We then headed out West to Bloor and Spadina to hook up with Auntie Schmelly for a long overdue visit to wish her a belated Happy Birthday. The Sam Man was most disciplined and steered clear of all of the java offerings in favour of his beloved bottle. We learned all about the joys of Auntie Schmelly's plum new Montessori posting. The Little Lad is now couting down the days until school starts.

Reunion with Auntie Scmelly

We then roared over on the super stuffed streetcar to meet Daddy for dinner at Ghandi Roti. Sammy was able to delight in the smells and hustle bustle of Ghandi's 'ecclectic' atmosphere but was sadly shut out from sampling the roti. He was anxious and antsy over not being able to sink his gums into the delightful doughy stuffed treats but we reassured the little that soon enough he too would be able to sample some of the Indian delites.

Aficionados Checking Out the Queen West Arbour Art

Thursday marked the final day of our stroller class in The Beach. It has been a nice routine to march down to the Boardwalk to get some welcome fresh air and meet other local kidlets. Sammy is defintetly the most vocal of all the babies and loves to test his vocal chords and battle with the instructor for control of the class. As if the stroller fit class was not workout enough, we came home to find a fabulous new addition to the Wee Wun's rapidly expanding home gym. Nana had picked up an Exersaucer which spurred squeals of delight and an exertive afternoon of pure cardio. I have a feeling it is going to be a long while before the novelty of this new addition wears off.


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