Tales of Timbit

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sunshine on Our Shoulders Makes Him Happy!!

Sammy Slider

The man has certainly learned to get his motor running... we have all been getting a good cardio workout chasing the boy up the stairs and around the house. He is getting to be much more verbal with his interjections and demands to see, touch, and explore things....the guy is ultra frustrated when I am unable to pick up on his cues!

The muchos glorious weather has allowed us to explore a whole new green oasis –the park- where swings and the slide are fan favourites with the petit park enthusiast. The nice weather has allowed us to bust out of hibernation and embrace spring fever. Sam Man has worked to strengthen his constituency circle having built of quite the network of neighbourhood pals from daycare, yoga, library, and music class. It is a bit surreal when you walk down the street and passerbys recognize Sam and myself or Mark.

The man is growing leaps and bounds and can’t believe that we are fast approaching the young lad’s first b-day!! Where does time fly??
PS. Sadly Sammy failed to bellow out I LOVE MOMMY for my bday yesterday ...but he is practicing hard to scream it out loud for Mothers Day!


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