Tales of Timbit

Friday, March 09, 2007

Creepy Crawling and Monkeying Around

After kicking off the week in the Big O/Orangeville, Sam Man scooted back in the blinding snow to his home turf to recover from the weekend and regroup for the gruelling work week.

Tuesday, Sarah S. came over for a pizza party with puppy dog Finn. Sammy delighted his guest with his newest moves and magic. The Little Engine that Could is finally crawling after weeks of hanging out on all fours with no locomotion. We are now scrambling to babyproof our pad as much as possible in order to fend off potential dramas/ disasters. The Toddling Timbit is now keen on pulling himself up on any and every inanimate and animate object within view.

Wednesday Sam Man got to hang out with Great Auntie Pat and her pup while I (finally) got my haircut. Sammy has adopted a pretty non chalant/ WHATEVA attitude to all of the puppy dog pals he has encountered over the past week. Again, Sammy was much more intent on shredding magazines and newspapers than interacting with his canine host. We then bopped off to music class so the Petit Percussionist could make beautiful music with his pals.
Sam Man Chillaxes With Great Auntie Pat + Pup

James swooped in for a surprise visit for a crazy overdue catch up. Sam Man him James in on the latest neighbourhood sagas and dramas of newest toddler friends whilst James regalled us with tales of his trips to China and Fernie. It was then off to swimming for Sammy's last hurrah at his swim class at Earl Beatty. Eager Beaver has signed up again for the next session swim but is switching to Leaside pool in order to 'take the plunge' with his splash pal Julia.

Timbit went on quite the tear around the weekend social circuit. Saturday, the boys headed off for some hard core playtime with a gaggle of dads and kidlets at Fenton Headquarters whilst the mamans cleared out to get their tootsies spruced up for the upcoming spring season. Sammy was pleased as a peacock to be able to test drive/smash and crash all of the older kids toys and trinkets as well as rock and rattle all the fascinating new window treatments and decor items of the household...the kidlet is into EVERYTHING these days......magazines and curtains seem to be the fan favorite. We all congregated for a huge gorge fest of seasfood, cheese, cake and anything and everything gluttunous. Sir Sammy-Food Afficianado sampled just about anything that travelled within 3 feet of his mouth. Before sinking into a permanant food coma, sammy and I snuck home whilst the dads headed out for a Man Movie night to take in 300....Timbit wisely took a pass on the flick as he deemed it excessively violent and racey.

Brunchin' w/ Da Babes

Sophie- Sam Man's Latest Crush

Sunday, Sammy was fortunate enough to be included in the gals bunch date with a gaggle of my old school buddies. Timbit was more than tickled to be the sole gentleman invited to dine with 6 lady friends. As per always, Sammy charmed the pants his fellow guests with his cajoling, cackles, and cheesy smiles. Sammy was particulary fond of 15 month old Sophie...whom Sammy was quick to snag a seat next to at the table.....I am afraid that the boy was a little too much of a showman and came on a little too strong for the dainty little lady.....he insisted on plunging his hands into her snack bowl to "share" her food and then proceeded to "sample"/ snack on all of her toys. I have to give the gal credit for being pretty non-plused about Sam Man's strong 'pick up' tactics. After slurping down yet another feast, we rolled back home to convene with Pops and Mar Mar for a dash down the Danforth.

Scholarly Sammy Proves He Is Mensa Material

Sacked Sammy managed to stay awake enough to score some new books from the the doting grandparents before fading away into a silent slumber whilst his fans ushered him in his chariot up the Danforth. It was then off to bedy bye early for the Tuckered Timbit after yet another demanding week of networking, eating, sleeping, and expanding upwards and outwards.


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