Tales of Timbit

Sunday, February 04, 2007

22 Pounds and Still Very Much In Expansion Mode

T'was a lazy low key week mostly indoors with the mercury dipping to some nippy low levels.
Sunday we zoomed off to Markham to visit 6 week old Baby Jacob and his proud parents Adel and Nahid. Senior Sammy was quite excited to test drive Jacob's fly new toys to ensure they were up to snuff' and in proper working order. The grown ups gorged on a huge feast of Ghandi Roti whilst the poor little boys felt jilted having to sit on the sidelines whilst we inhaled our wraps of goodness.

Senior Sammy Makes a Splash with Newbie Pal Jacob

Timbit kicked off his work week with a visit from Nana and Uncle Mikey on Monday and then a quickie supper with Pops on Tuesday. Timbit regaled his fans with tales of his weekend and showed off his latest flipping and flopping moves on his mat....Mister Mover and Groover is making more and more threats to crawl but is still just teasing us with his creeping motions. Sam Man went to his 8 month doctor's appointment on Tuesday where he received a clean of bill of health and confirmation that he is at the top of the charts for both weight (22 pds) and cranium circumfrance (poor boy is plagued with his mamans BIG noggin).

Mister Maturity Pushes Out His Third Tooth

Wednesday Sammy got to reconnect with his pal Phinn who was fresh back from his trip visiting his 'rellies' in Ireland. I so admire these newbie parents who jet long haul flights with small babies. The logisitics and the stress would cause me to melt. Thursday was Literary Genius Sammy's first day at his Library program. The outing allowed us to meet other neighbourhood kidlets and experience a nice change o' scenery. Keener Sammy was quite keen to show off his clapping abilities that he had mastered his music class. To my amazement, there were 3 sets of twins attending the session in a group of 20 babies. How these poor parents juggle a pair of babies each and everyday is beyond me!! Don't get me wrong...I love the Tiny Timbit but I have no idea have no idea how these families manage juggling 2 babies at a time without losing their minds!!

Timbit Fires Up a Dinner Date With His Fan Club Groupies

Social Sammy closed out the work week with a visit from Monique. We sailed down to Sarah's for yummy lunch to warm our souls from the nippy weather. Sam Man hammed it up big time his fellow patrons. Our server was incredibly patient in cleaning up the large pile o' pita shredded up by Sammy the Gerbil whilst he chowed down.

Sammy then fired up his innaugral SUPERBowl weekend. Pops and Martha came over to nourish us sportsfans with some 'soul food' before we shoved for an exhilerating afternoon of making a dishwasher purchase and then heading out to Oakville for game time. T'is been quite the fruitful 2 weeks for the CLARMITAGE household with the family having scored both a washer/dryer and a new dishwasher...Timbit is now eagerly awaiting instruction on how to use these magical new assets so to dutifuly help his parents with the domestic duties. We then rolled out to visit the Kerr's who fired up quite the hospitality for Superbowl Sunday. Sammy was quite mesmerized by all of the fanfare and hooplala of game day. He did not disappoint his fans and entertained his fellow fans with lots of cheers, jeers, hoots, and hollers to fuel the game day excitement. He made a new friend in 10 month old Matthew who was also on hand for the Big Showdown. Matthew is a refreshingly large and solid baby who rivalled Sam Man in build and stature. Admittedly, Sam Man was more mesmerized with the big screen TV than with the actual game. Sammy was given the green light to stay out past his bedtime in order to watch Prince perform at the halftime show.

It was then curtain call and home to bed in order to fuel up for another high flyin' week o' adventure.


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