Tales of Timbit

Friday, December 15, 2006

Busy on the Birthday Circuit

Apologies for the pause but tis been a busy crazy two weeks with the advent of the jolly holiday season. Party Man Sam ended off last week on a high note with a visit down to the Armitage Associates Global Headquarters to roast and toast El Presidente John Armitage on his ‘40th’ birthday. Sammy was lured downtown with the promise of lots of lovely guests, fine food and an outing to the Distillery District....little did he know that he would have to work for his supper by logging a few hours at Armitage Associates before the party started. Unbenownst to me, the Wee Wun/mini headhunter was recruited to sit in on two candidate interviews with his slave driver grandfather while I ran around to run a few errands. The Little Lad was obviously valued for his good judge of character.

Tuckered after a 'Tuff' Day at the Office

Saturday, Timbit chalked up his first jolly holiday party at Tracey and Jim’s. The young man was so excited by the company and impressive spread of food that he wet his pants. Sunday, the party continued at Pops and Martha’s for some Indian eats and birthday toasts. Birthday boy pops fired up his infamous chicken korma. Sammy got to sink his teeth into his first Naan bread allowing the poor man some welcome relief from his teething woes. The wee wun logged totally wiped from his huge night and retired to bed for a marathon sleep.

Pooped after Excessive PartEEing

Disciplined Sam Man finished up at yoga and music for the season. He has racked up quite impressive portfolio of pals from his classes and his voice and muscles are nice and limber for the holiday season. We have started going for coffee après class with a gaggle of the kidlets and their moms’. One of his bud’s Phinn has discovered his ability to howl and scream. Poor Sam doesn’t know how to take the shrill thrill of screaming sounds and totally breaks down into tears everytime Phinn exercises his lungs. The poor boy just gets upset when other babies steal his thunder. Tracey and Jim were kind enough to come over and hang with Timbit last Wednesday. Timbit was having such a great time with his pals that he didn’t even notice Mark and I slipping out to see WICKED AGAIN without him... Sensational Singer Sammy has warned us that that was the LAST time we are to head out to a big name musical without him! Thursday Sam Man finally got to meet and connect with his Auzzie import pals Andrea and Jamie. The man did his best at playing ambassador to his visitors ushering them down the Danforth for some yummy Guyanese roti and Carribean treats and showing off the ‘main drag’.

The week was a busy one having been firing up lots o’ fun for the holiday circuit. Saturday the Sam Man was left to entertain Grandma and Grandma whilst Mark and I went out for a marathon evening for Jeff’s birthday. After an insanely late night out for his parents, Timbit wanted to teach his ma and pa a lesson and fired up a wake up call/scream at 6 AM Sunday morning.....Sammy wanted to ensure that his parents think twice before firing up excessive frolicking and libations without him!

Little Elf Sammy has been swamped on the social circuit this week leading up to X-mas. Monday we lunched downtown with long lost pal Niti. Sweet Sammy made up for lost time and flirted up a storm with Pretty Niti. Sammy has definitely stolen a piece of Smitten Niti’s heart. She brought him back this adorable traditional outfit from Punjab..the little man is now dying to get to India especially after his new taste for naan bread. Tuesday, we fired up a year end feast with all of the yoga gang. Sam man has made vows to practice his donward dog and lotus position in order to stay limber and lithe throughout the stressful holiday season. Wednesday we set out to fire up some fa la la la festivities with the AAL gang and end off the season. As per ususal it was a gathering of all ladies and Studhorse Sammy. Sam was seeking out every piece of mistletoe possible in order to get slathered with his fair of kisses from all his blonde beauty Armitage Associates pals. Yesterday we reunited withe the Auzzie imports for a night out in Kensington Market for their annual Christmas lantern festival. The solid and sturdy Sam weathered the cold and revelled in the wonderous eclectic parade of lanterns, stilt walkers, drumming circles and all sorts of new cultural wonders. Timbit gave a huge thumbs up to Kensington’s crazy cultural community cohesiveness.

We are off to kick off the heart of the holiday season! Will be back SOON with lots of tales of holiday hob nobing.

Feliz Navidad and all the Best!!

Xo Timbit and his ‘Rents


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