Tales of Timbit

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Savvy and Sassy @ 6 Months Old

Nature Buff Timbit Answers the Call of the Wild

Timbit is now 6 months old.....hard to believe that half year has whizzed by so fast. He has added a few new feats to his list of tricks so far and getting more and more steady on his feet.

Host with the Most Timbit rolled out the red carpet for his Grandma after she was lured down from St.Catharines to stay for a few days. Timbit was left to entertain Grandma on his own on Monday whilst maman whisked off to work for the day. I now am struggling more and more with what to do when my mat leave is up...the little guy is just so cute and addictive it’s hard to start contemplating leaving him during the day. After a condensed day downtown, I soared home to reunite with Sammy and Grandma for a night of gourmet eats i.e. 967-1111 whilst Mark was out firing up the rocks at curling.

Sammy + Grandma Fire Up the Fun Whilst Mom is Away

Tuesday we punked off yoga as Sam Man had his 6 month check up.....we have to now devise a new nickname as the not so Tiny Timbit tipped the scales at 19.6 pds....it’s no wonder I have developed this amazing new upper body strength. Six month check up= pain and suffering for me and timbit as it marked another round of shots for the little man. Timbit tried very hard to bite his lip and numb the pain of the ordeal but the poor guy had to unleash a few rounds of blood curdling screams to get over the pain and torture of the whole horrific experience. I have to commend the boy on his lung capacity with those deafening screams of horror. Besides the treachery of the needles, the Doc granted Sam Man a glowing bill of health and has encouraged him to continue to grow his sophisticated palate with new eats and treats above and beyond veggies. Grandpa came back for a visit on Wednesday night whilst I scurried out with the gals for an evening OUT!

Wednesday Sammy made a return appearance at his music class. Timbit seemed to jive to his ‘own beat’ having loved the first half of the class but then proceeded to divert more attention to playing with the radiator than to singing about reindeers. Nana then swooped in to pick us up to head up to the farm for a little retreat out of the city. Sammy and I were invited to partake in ‘Girls Night’ with a handful of the Beaver Valley babes. All of “The Valley Ladies” delighted in a chance to share a giggle with the Tireless Timbit whilst we chowed down on a scrumptious Martha Stewartesque feast. Thursday we puttered around prepping some yummers X-mas treats- salsa, chocolate sauce, and some x-mas nut mix.....Sammy was astonished by his mamans rare domestic tear. Sam Man and I were then left to guard ‘the fort’ whilst Grandpa T and Nana went out to toast their 5th anniversary.

Friday Sammy was reunited with his long lost papa who miraculously seemed to have survived without us for a whole 2 nights away. Mark trekked up with Mike and his new galfriend Caley to whom Smitten Sammy seems to have given the two thumps up!! Studhorse Sam spent much of the weekend flirting with Caley and trying to steal the glory and thunder from his rival Uncle Mikey.

Studhorse Sammy Sets Eyes on his Latest Lady Crush

Saturday we trekked up the trails for Sammy’s first hike....the young man did a great job at orienting his parents in the right direction. The fresh air served as the perfect tonic to knock the man out for most of the afternoon. Sammy was quite intrigued with all of the animals in the house and seemed to be more than comfortable with being knocked and knudged by Canine Uncle Tipper. During an innocent round of play, Sweet Sammy ACCIDENTLY took a swipe at Mark’s eye...sending poor Daddy to hospital. Nana and Mark headed off to the Meaford hospital on Sunday morning to get his eye disinfected. Doting Daddy came home sporting a pirate patch to protect his eye.

Settling the Score- Sammy: 1 Dad: 0

Due to Dad’s eye injury, Timbit was treated to a day of play with his stay at home papa on Monday. I took the opportunity to zip out for lunch and allow the ‘boys to be boys’. Tuesday we made our return to yoga after our week off. Timbit was admittedly less than zen and mellow and squirmed and squeeled through most of the class. He was more interested at making eyes at the ladies in tights and squealing and squirming his way around the room. The 10 AM start seems to conflict with the Little Man’s nap time and so he forever out of sorts at class.....then without fail he is bright eyed and super spunky Sammy as soon as the class is OVER!! Sammy Social is all about the post yoga chat sessions but not so interested in the workout!

Wednesday, Sammy and I rendez vous’d with two of my old work maties- Kendra and Anita over some Greek food. Anita was in visiting from Rome for the holidays and the Sam Man was one of the VIP’s on her tour stops. Sammy got quite a kick out of Anita and lured her back to our place for a post-op visit for the remainder of the afternoon. Smooth Slickster Sammy has now secured an open inivte to visit Anita in Geneva.


Blogger Lenny said...

1) I wanted to share this lovely Christmas photo of my favourite family:


2) I can't believe you had to walk around with an eye patch on. Because of your six month old son. Classic.

Lovely seeing you guys this weekend. You have to come over for dinner before the holidays.

"Aunt" Tracey

2:27 PM  
Blogger tiny_timbit said...

you RAWK sista for:

a) the amazing festive fete last weekend

b) facilitating the WICKED surprise this week!!!

AM 4ever grateful

7:36 PM  
Blogger Lenny said...

Had a blast with Timbit on Wednesday. It was so nice of him to let me fall asleep on the job.

We HAVE to do it again soon.

9:53 AM  

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