Tales of Timbit

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Out N' About

Sammy Off to a SOLID Start

Sammy Social spent the better part of last week getting out n' about meeting and greeting more of his fans. On Tuesday we paid a visit to Penny and Dave so Timbit and his dad could hookup their computer. Despite their combined brainpower and I/T wizardry, they were not able to do the set up due to the problem of a broken monitor. The outing at least served as an excuse for the Wee Wun to score some extra playtime.

Poor Timbit's teeth have been driving him bonkers so the days have been little long as of late. Two new fangs are threatening to pierce their way through his top gums. On Wednesday, Daddy and Maman escaped downtown to see The Hip play whilst Timbit stayed at home to entertain Nana and Uncle Mikey. Sadly, the poor guy screamed his guts out -Nana chalked the sadness up to his torturous teeth but I think it was more a result of his maman's absence. The sobby screaming session seems to have seriously squelched any potential parenting aspirations on the part of Uncle Mikey.
Auntie Jane and Uncle Bob paid a surprise visit to chart the NOT so Little Man's mega growth spurt since their innagugral visit back when Tiny Timbit was a mere 2 weeks old. Thursday, we trekked back up the subway line on to visit with Lynny for our inaugral visit. Timbit has discovered his voice and was quite amusing belting out lots of amusing yells and 'tunes' for us to enjoy....thankfully he seems to be able to carry a little more of a melodic tune than his tone deaf maman.

Long Overdue Visit With GREAT Aunt Lizard

The weekend was a fairly quiet one for the Little Man. We braved a wild weekend visit to Ikea. Timbit policed our shopping to ensure we didn't go overboard in the spending department to conserve so to have ample disposable denaros to spend on Timbit for his first X-mas. Project Manager Timbit then spent the rest of the afternoon supervising his dad's construction of our Ikea goods.

It was then to bed early as the Wee Wun acclimatized his inner clock to the Time Change.


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