Tales of Timbit

Monday, October 16, 2006

'Ruffin It' Up North

Family Bonding in the 'Wilderness' of the Muskokas

Well t'was yet another 'action packed' weekend for Tiny Timbit as we launched into a whirlwind weekend. Before heading out of the city, Timbit/ Don Juan played the chilvarous 'host with the most' to three lovely ladies here on the homefront. Auntie Mo arranged for us to rendez vous with Jen and her baby Savannah over some gourmet Swiss Duck. The Timbit was quite pleased to flaunt his seniority and show off his mature mat tricks and exersaucer stunts to younger Savannah who is a whole 2 months his junior.

Entertaining the Ladies is Exhausting!

After an exhausting afternoon of entertaining and eating, the Timbit, in tow with his 'rents, trekked up north to visit the Fenton's as well along with a giant gaggle of other guests. This was Timbit's second visit up to Riley Lake -having already visited the cottage when he was a mere 3 weeks young. Needless to say he was quite the HIT, showing off his maturity and bubbly personality to the gang. Despite his love for the water, the young lad was sage and decided to steer clear of swimming in the freezing frigid lake. Sammy witnessed his nutty (albeit brave) father wade int the insanely cold water as he helped to extract a raft from the lake. Sammy opted to spend most of the weekend napping and lounging by the wood fireplace whilst sipping from his beloved bottle. There was a grand total of 17 of us bunking in at the 3 bedroom cottage for the weekend. Given VIP Timbit's 'New Kid On the Block' status, we scored a bed/bedroom to ourselves whilst the rest of the guests had to scramble for floor, coach and tent sleeping space. Saturday night, Sir Sammy retired early to bed to score some valued beauty rest.

Supervising Dad's Unpacking Job

Sunday we zoomed back to the Big Smoke so Timbit's maman could attend a Thai cooking course in the afternoon. The Wee Wun has his fingers crossed that his mom will be able to master some half decent green curry by the time he starts on solids. He and his papa were glad to be able to chalk up some macho male bonding for the afternoon and unwind from the 'stressful' weekend of sleeping, eating, and chillin'.


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