Tales of Timbit

Monday, November 20, 2006

Timbit Adds More Fans to His Busting Supporter List

Snug A Bug in His Snowsuit
Wednesday, we were blessed with a visit from proud expectant parents- Adel and Nahid who were super sweet to shower us with yummy Middle Eastern/ Greek food for dinner. (We really have to stop milking this 'struggling new parents' act and put and end to all of the charity and freebies flowing in from all adoring Sam Fans. Sweet Sammy has allowed us to ride in cruise control with all of the aid and help that has flooded in over the past few months). Adel and Nahid are set to welcome a new kidlet in December another new pal for Timbit to add to his expanding circle o' friends. Sammy was in fine spirts and helped to fuel the excitement of the 'proud parents to be' to welcome their wee wun in a few short weeks.

Timbit Tempts Adel with a Taste of Papahood

Thursday night, I was banished from the house whilst Timbit, Mark, and Uncle Mikey indulged in some 'boy bonding' in its purest form- a of watching watching hockey, eating pizza and drinking beer. Fortunately Sammy was sage enough to take a pass at the beer and pizza and stuck to the bottle of formula. Despite still being totally engrossed with 'the bottle', the young man is developing quite the sophisticated and exciting palate. So far, he has added squash, carrots, sweet 'taters, and chickpeas to his diet. He has embraced the spoon as friendly utensil and now reaches out to guide the spoon into his mouth during a feeding. He is hoping to progress to some carnivourous offerings soon ...with the hopes of indulging in some 'bird' at X-mas time.

Friday, the stressed out Sam Man went for another rub down with Heather- his massage therapist. The boy is totally hooked on the rush of endorphins and zen feelings that rushing through his body after his massages and is now signed up for treatments until mid December. The boy is set to fend off any poential stress and tension from the busy holiday season.
Saturday, Timbit finally got to hook up with and intro himself to Samuel (Sr.) Sam Johnston and Lyn. They came over for an afternoon visit and showered the Wee Wun with a load of loot including two of my favorite muppet characters- Beeker and Fozzie Bear. Tiny Timbit has since been very vigilant with his new toys to ensure that his envious maman doesn't steal them out from under him. Sam Senior is now proposing Timbit be the topic for his next art school project ....stay tuned for more details on 'A Day in the Life of Sammy C'.

Sam Senior and Small Sam Unite Forces

We spent the rest of the afternoon 'tearing up' the Danforth with trips up to the Carrot Common and then up to Canadian Tire for some ever exciting purchases of diapers and other sundry items. We then made a final stop at Beanies- one of the funky new java joints here in 'the hood' to suss out a jewellery show put on by our neighbour Tara. Sammy was all smiles with all of the attendees adding a whack of new admirers to his fan list.

Sunday was an exciting day as we got to meet 'New Kid on the Block' Baby Julia who was born Novemeber 13th. Stallion Sammy jumped all over the opportunity to 'score' popularity points with the new little lady. Timbit was most charming and chivalrous ensuring that Julia garnered the majority of the spotlight with her debut appearance for most of the guests although he still commanded a lot of attention with all of his priceless smiles and giggles. It was hard to believe that Tiny Timbit was just a small as the 7.5 pound Julia less than six months ago!! Time flies when your a growing boistorous boy. We trekked home after a marathon afternoon/evening after making a last and loving first impression with the new little lady.

The Timbit continues to add more and more sounds, screams, caws and hollers to his growing baby vocabulary. His giggle and loud laugh continues to become more and more animated. He seems to have inherited a combination of both his maman and papa's evil cackly chuckles.

Superman Sam sure does a great job at keeping his parents amused with more and tricks and treats as the weeks progress. The Mini Man is quite the treat!


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