Tales of Timbit

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Social Sammy Does the Circuit

Timbit Kicks Back After His Whirlwind Week

Tis been a whirlwind week for the wee wittle wun and his chalked full social calendar. Thursday, Timbit stayed look after home front whilst Mom and Dad jaunted out for Mark’s birthday dins. Tired and Teething Timbit was less than impressed to have been left behind and apparently screamed out his frustrations for babysitters Mandy and Jason. T’was a nice practice run for the proud parents to be to soothe the seriously stressed and sore Sammy.

After his ‘stressful’ work week, we trekked out to High Park so the wee lad could unwind for an hour massage at Healthy Beginnings. The Wee Wun was all too happy with the rub down to soothe him of his tensions before kicking off the weekend. Saturday we travelled the Danforth to scoop up goodies for Mark’s b-day festivities on Saturday night. Sam Man was pretty zonkered from all of the fresh air and didn’t manage to make it to the birthday party hour. The party centred around Totally 80’s Trivial Pursuit- so Tiny Timbit would have been at a serious disadvantage given that the content was ¼ century before ‘his time’.

On Sunday, we whisked out to Oakville for a baby shower for Janis and Yoel who are expecting their Wee Wun in January. Superstar Sammy was on his best behaviour and amused the crowd with his caws, smiles and giggles. As per always, Kiersten had prepared a feast fit for royalty. The little boy did his part in stoking the excitement of the parents to be with his stellar decorum. Of course all good things come to an end and the overtired partygoer had a major meltdown on the car ride home....Man does he ever know how to break his parents’ heart with his desperate screams. We finally made it home so the Pooped Partygoer could inhale a bottle and then retire to bed.

Monday was another important ‘First’ for Tiny Timbit – as it was Sam’s first election experience. The Wee Wun dutifully accompanied his parents to the voting polls so to witness them exercise their democratic right. Sammy got to ‘stretch the rules’ by helping his dad vote. After a careful analysis of the candidate pool, Sammy helped his dad cast his ballot for his preferred mayoral and city counsellor candidates. Sammy is now expecting big things from David Miller for his second mandate.

Sammy and Dad Head to the Polls

Tuesday, Tiny Timbit was anything but zen and quiet and endured some rather rough patches as the Wee Wun prepares to sprout some more teeth. My heart goes out to the guy with his burning red crimson cheeks from his troublesome teeth. Timbit struggled through yoga before passing out for a long overdue nap. We then strolled down to the funky new java joint in our hood called Niche for a sanity break with one of the other Zen Mamans and her little boy Phinn who is just a week younger than Sam. It is quite cute to see Sammy scope out and interact with other kidlets.

We then scooted home to meet up with Nana who came down to help out with the garden and finally finish up his new dresser. Martha Jordan popped over for dinner to finally meet up with Sir Sammy for her innaugral visit. Sammy was a saint and entertained us while we slurped down a sushi feast. Despite having started on solids, Sammy had to skip out on the fine offerings but is keen and eager to soon savour his first sampling of sashimi.

Tuckered Timbit Refuels From His Week with a Super Siesta


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