Tales of Timbit

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Countdown to Dad's B-Day

Sammy Steals the Spotlight With Grandma and Grandpa

T'is been another exciting week in the wacky wonderful world o’ the Sam Man. Saturday we trekked up to Canadian Tire so Sammy and Daddy could get a jump on constructing their X-mas wish list. Daddy eagerly led prodigal son Timbit over to the tool section for a crash course on building the perfect workshop. The exercise turned into quite the brainwashing mission on Dad's part with Mark working to convince Timbit to put a joiner, router, and chop saw high atop of his wishlist to Santa. After the C-Tire outing, we rolled home to retire over some Indian delights.....poor Timbit had to settle for his plain jane mashed carrot puree while watching his parents indulge in fabulously flavourful mali kofta and chana masala. The Wee Wun has vowed to sink his little teeth into some yummy Indian cuisine before chalking up his first birthday.
Sammy brags of his stellar behaviour and latest tricks and talents to Grandma
(the race is on to chalk up lots of brownie points before X-mas)
Sunday, Grandma and Grandpa ventured into T.O. to ‘celebrate Daddy’s birthday’ (although we all know the true reason for their visit was to lay some more love on Tiny Timbit). Birthday Boy Daddy elected to go to Jack Astors for dinner where the Wee Wun got to test out his new Big Boy booster seat. Again, the Little Lad was shut out of the offering of good eats and had to settle for his Old Faithful formula. After another big day, the Tired Timbit faded early and chalked up a solid night’s sleep to ensure a good kick start to the brand new week.


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