Tales of Timbit

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Timbit Chalks Up a Happy Halloween

Little Stinker Makes His Debut

The Little Stinker survived his first Hallows Eve experience in one piece. He made quite a splash at yoga in his skunk outfit despite having been mistaken for a panda by a handful of unperseptive onlookers. Despite being awarded the Best Dressed Award for his costume, The Sam Man was none too interested in calming his mind or seeking out any zen like feelings for most of the class. Surely put off by the freakish buzz of Halloween, Timbit spent the better part of the yoga hour sobbing against his maman before passing out for the rest of the class.
Diligent Sammy spent the rest of the afternoon helping his Nana fill her orders and attend to her business affairs. Sammy predicts Nana's sales would skyrocket once he be allowed to accompany her on her sales calls. The aspiring Material Man is driving a hard bargain and insisting on a 80/20 split on all new business!

Timbit in Negotiations With Nana to Help Drive Sales Numbers

Despite a rough yoga class, the Wee Wun stuck to his health kick regime and settled down to a nutricious dinner of mashed carrots. Sammy was very timely in sprouting his new teeth in time for Halloween so to sport the perfect Jack O-Lantern smile.

Who Needs Face Paint When You Got Mashed Carrots?

Caught Red Handed Handed with Hand in the Candy Bowl!

After greeting a handful of eager trick or treaters, Tiny Timbit retired for the evening filled with dreams and wonderment as to what to dress up as for next year??

Wednesday we made a jaunt down the Danforth before meeting Daddy for lunch. Sam Man has made quite the splash with the local merchants so any appearances made by the little man spur lots of excitement. We then bopped downtown to meet dad for lunch. Our baby crazy server fell instantly in love with Sweet Sammy and insisted on hanging out with the lad for the entire lunch hour. The Wee Wun was an angel thrilling the lunch crowd with his smiles and budding baby vocabulary. The boys were then left to bond for the remainder of the lunch hour while I jotted off to do a few errands. Daddy brilliantly rigged up the Baby Bjorn under his suit jacket and paraded the boy around the city core. It was then home again where the Sam Man relished in some downtime after his cruisey afternoon.


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