Tales of Timbit

Friday, January 19, 2007

Timbit Does His Part to Tame the January Blahs

Sammy kicked off the weekend early with a hazy lazy lunch date at the local grub and gruel pad 3's Companywith his pals Phinn and Isabelle... the young man was on his best of behaviour and charmed the doting cafe patrons. We then roared out to the West End to hit Ronces for a quickie weekend visit with Ms. Schmelly before hooking up with the Freitsma's for a Indian gorge fest of lots. Sammy was quite taken with the his Elder Hostess Extraordinaire Ms. Meals and all of her fantago spread of toys and groovy gizmos. After inhaling the mamoth feast, our hosts were most accomodating in rigging up an inviting makeshift bed in the bathtub so the Tuckered Timbit could catch some zzz's whilst his parents got trounced at '90's version of Trivial Pursuit.

Saturday we caught up with Kavi and Auntie Mo over Ghandi Roti 'SOOO GOOD'. SuperstA Sam Man impressed the ladies with his latest 'bag o' tricks' clapping, snorting, and lots of squirming. The wee wun is making lots of threats to crawl but there has been no formal locomotion to be made on all fours as of yet....but stay tuned sports fans. Tracey and Jazzy Jim ventured over for a highly intellectual evening of watching YouTube clips....Sammy's personal fave was the chronicles of Gay Robot....man the poor child is going to be in need of some serious therapy early on in life.

Sunday we left him to his own devices to entertain Nana whilst we toured around T.O. trying to find a dishwasher and washer and dryer to replace our ailing evironmentally destructive Totally 80's appliances....tis funny how one seems to place a much higher premium on these labour/time saving devices once children appear on the scene.

The week has been a rather low key and chillaxed one with minimal outings due to the freezing temps. It was actually rather refreshing/ reassuring for Sam Man to be able to experience some sub-freezing temps after the scary streak of signs of Global Warming/Warning weather. Highlights included another trip downtown to 'Lunch with the Ladies' of Armitage Associates. Sammy then logged some 'chargeable hours' while chairing the company administrative meeting. The Wee Wun raised a motion to a) have a jolly jumper installed in the boardroom and b) drive more traffice to the Armitage Associates website by posting a large headshot of himseld on the landing page. The motions are now under serious consideration by the company president.

Sam Man made a strong second showing at his swim class. The boy was on fire and definetely gave his swim partner papa a good workout as he splish splashed all over the pool in chase of any and every ball in sight.....the brilliant boy is now begging to bail out on these juvenile tot classes and jump straight into water polo. Sammy's greater than average girth is proving to be most advantageous in allowing him superior buoyancy. We rookie parents have now learned that swim class necessitates much more frequent diaper changes after one's child manges to slurp up 3x their body weight in water over the course of their swimming lesson.

Sammy continues to grow like a weed...now filling out clothing inteded for two year old bodies. Despite my requests to SLOW DOWN, the boy continues on his developmental odyssey. I will admit that the days get more and more entertaining as the young man shows off more of his strong willed personality.

Tis time to hunker down and refuel for 'da weekend!


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