Tales of Timbit

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year!

Feliz Navidad and a Very Happy New Year!

Sir Sammy would like to wish everyone a belated Happy Festivus and Joyous New Year. Tis been a bit of a battle for us humble little family as we have all battled a yummy melange of coughs, colds, and flu bugs since X-mas Day.

Santa Sammy Makes His Rounds on the Festive Party Circuit

Despite our battered immune systems, we were all able to ring in a very Merry Christmas Season with lots of friends and family. Sammy fired up lots of pre-Xmas visits with his pals including Andrea and Jamie who flew all the way in from Sydney, AU to visit the man (as well as a few family members), the Armitage clan, and other VIP's.
Tiny Timbit Teaches Crazy Auzzie How 'Real Men'
Bundle Up Properly for Winter

Sam Man went on quite the extensive tour for his innaugral X-mas having ventured to St. Catharines, then to Niagara Falls, on to Fonthill, then back to Toronto for a Xmas dinner, onwards to Orangeville for Boxing Day, and then up to Kimberley for a few days before ringing in 2007 with his sick and pathetic parents.

Finally Catching Up With 'GREAT'est Uncle Tim

Anyhoo, Sam Man has kicked off the New Year with a bang and has so far stuck to his impressive list of New Years resolutions: To go up at least 2 pant sizes To put on at least 10 pounds To sample as many new ethnic cuisines as possible To build up his quads with his diligent jolly jumper sessions To utter I LOVE MY MOM as his first full sentence... and the list goes on. We will report on his progress in sticking to this list of vows for '07. Tiny Timbit relays high fivers and cheers to a great kick off to '07.


Blogger Unknown said...

Happy New Year to you guys too!!! I love the santa suit, Sammy looks too cute in it.


9:52 AM  

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