Tales of Timbit

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Locked Out and Nowhere to Go

Cookie Monster Includes All Major Food Groups For His Picnic Feast

Despite the frigid Feb climate, Timbit has been quite creative in keeping himself engaged and entertained. We have still been making a habit of getting out everyday to shake off the cobwebs and get some oxygen pumping to the brain.

Monday, Elaine ventured over for a long overdue catch up session. Squirmy Wormy Sammy impressed her with his twisty topsy turvey routine and extensive vocabulary of coo's caws, goos and gaws. Tuesday, Uncle Mikey and Nana came over for their weekly catch up and demo of Superman's latest stunts.
Sammy Catches Up With Long Lost Lady Elaine

Wednesday, Music Man started his new music class with Clappping Land. The hippy trippy name of the class is quite indicative of its whimsical wacky nature. Despite looking like she just disembarked from the Peace Train, Sophia, the instructor is amazing! She led Sammy and 18 other kidlets through an hour of dancing and playing with drums, marrocas, and all sorts of other percussion instruments. After an hour of frenzied activity, Sammy was more than ready to crash out in his stroller for the long stroll home just before the real drama and saga of the day began...... soooooooooooooo before we rushed off for music class, I neglected to ensure that I had both my house key and wallet. It wasn't until we were steps away from returning home that I realized I had locked myself out with NO wallet....not so smart on a day with a minus 25 degree windchill. With Nana's help, we tracked down Daddy at work who was able to come and save us whilst we sought refuge in the library......Tough Man Sam was able to take the whole ordeal in stride and snoozed through most of the drama (whilst his maman had a near emotional meltdown and muchos panic attack). I am now seeking out ways to have my key surgically attached to my hand to prevent a repeat performance.

Thursday, the budding literary buff made a return appearance at his library group. The little man has not quite tuned into the fact that the library is generally a place for quiet downtime. Whilst most of his fellow storytimers were engaged with the lap rhymes and storytime, Crazy Cline was busy bopping and hopping all over the place. He is a nonstop ball o' energy and vigor these days and is more than please to show off to any willing audience. Despite his wavering attention span, Sammy seems to get a kick out of the other kids and welcomes the change of scenery and the opportunity to chomp down on some of the delectable storybooks.

Rubber Ducky Models His New Rain Gear

Timbit closed out his tough work week with a visit from Larissa. It's been a while since we all caught up. Spoiled Sammy was delighted to be showered with some more X-mas gifts which included this adorable yellow rain slicker. He is now pumped to find some flash rubber boots to round out his rain gear. It's quite scary how the coat, sized for 18-24 month yr olds, fits his robust figure. It's big enough that he should still fit into it come spring time and so Singing Star Sammy can treat us all to a rendition of 'Singin' In the Rain'. We mowed down a mountain of Thai food b4 mellowing out for a LOW key evening. We are almost at the tail end of our TV free week...has been quite interesting/healthy to dial out the boob tube for a full week...surprisingly daddy has not gone into shock from network t.v. withdrawl...The Whirling Dirvish Timbit has provided more than enough input and stimulation to fill our entertainment needs.


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