Tales of Timbit

Monday, March 05, 2007

Hustle Bustle and Birthday Fun

Bonne Fete SUUper Nana

Timbit has been doing his best to fend off the winter blues by playing a wild game of catch up with a wide cast o' pals and pets. Friday, Jake and his chocolate lab- Ella came over to fire up a BBQ Bash and to watch the Raps play. Sadly, Sam Man was more impressed with playing with his pile of magazines and boxes than with watching the game or bonding with his guests. I swear to God the boy is part gerbil given his obsession with shredding crumpling and shredding any paper in sight.

Gentleman Sam Prefers Blondes (especially those bearing gifts)

Saturday, Lynny and Krista came over for a catch up visit and to shower indulged Sam Man with yet more cute yuppylicious baby clothes. The outfit designed for 18 month year olds- JUST barely fits over Supersize Sammy's busting belly. I am so hoping that as the boy stretches out some more...he may (just maybe)be able to re-visit some of the skin tight duds he has already outgrown. Mandy also popped by for a visit to show off her girth growth since her last visit....just 8 more weeks until she is due to pop out a sidekick for Sammy. We sussed out this wicked kitchy retro diner/old train staion for lunch . The place was decked with classic artificacts vintage Atari systems and highchairs from circa 1970. We then trekked off to the Scarbs- the epicenter of cultural to reunite with daddy who had been helping out a friend with repairs and fix ups on their place. Super Scammer Sammy and I swooped in for the evening to cash in on the 'thank you' dinner after his poor papa drowned in the sweat of his labour. We rolled home at an early as the picky pernickety timbit would not lower himself to slumber in the playpen....pens are apparantly for swines not for the Selective Sammy.

Timbit and Expectant Maman Mandy Compare Girth Size

I ended up cuddling up with the hulky bulky Supersize Sammy for one night's stretch was a special treat. I totally love listening to the super man's sighs, grunts, and snores while he slumbers away in La La Land. Monday morning it was back to the Big Smoke for Timbit to log yet another gruelling and demanding work week.


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