Tales of Timbit

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Spills, Thrills and Teething Torture

Teething Bites!!
Teeter Tottering Timbit has been bopping and along at a torrid pace.....The poor battered boy has taken quite the beating over past week having taken a handful of impressive tumbles and splats, booms, bashes and crashes on a multitude of hard surfaces.....We have been trying our damndest to set up cozy comfy padded spaces for the monkey to sprawl out on but the boy is insistent on squirmning his way off on to the cold hard floor. Solid Sam Man has become quite resilient at bouncing back from some impressive spills and wipe outs without any major grief or drama....he definitely inherited his mamans high tolerance for pain.

Timbit Woos and Wows His Latest Lady Crush

Tuesday we bombed off 'up north' to Richmond Hill to meet up with brand spanking newbie 4 week old Shoshona Berznoger. The young lad cranked up the charm for the little lady so to make a splashy premier impression. Sam Man was most patient and supportive for our second ever driving outing. I was rather white knuckled but we managed to sail up north and back again sans drama and the car in one piece. After logging a long drawn out day, Timbit was ditched by his parents who were invited to watch the taping of Uncle Mikey's new show Canada's Next Prime Minister (to air March 18th on CBC). The adoring everfescent Tracey was signed up to hang with Sir Sammy while Mark and I took off to watch the taping. The Snubbed and Slighted Sammy was none too impressed to be left out of 'the action' and proceeded to howl, scream, bawl, and then puke before passing out for the his crushed (but compassionate companion Tracey (we are hoping to god we haven't burned our bridges for future babysitting dates).

After a night of sweet slumber, the diligent Timbit logged half a day at the AAL office on Wednesday morning in order to earn a bit of pocket change. Busy Bee then scooted off to his beloved music class where the Sam Man and his fellow child prodigies were given the green light to pound away at the 'Big Daddy' kettle drum untap their reservoirs of creative energy. The boy is now obsessed with beating and hammering away at any hard surface to practice his percussion. Thursday, Book Worm Boy finished up his final session at his library program. The program definetely sparked his voracious appetite for books...literally...the boy was more keen on eating the books than actually reading or singing from them. Thursday afternoon Sammy got got to catch up with his elder pals Matthew, Claire, and their ma Kendra. It was good to catch up with this gang who are long time residents of 'our hood'. Sam Man went to town 'test driving' all of their toys and fawning over the family feline...he is now counting down the days 'til he is showered with his very own putty tat.

Friday we headed back down to 'the mothership' for a week's end wrap up session with the Armitage Associates crowd. Sammy was left to consult with the Boss Man whislt his maman slipped out for lunch. Sam Man and his Proud Pops embarked upon a hard core training program -board room table aerobics and board room table shuffle board. Sammy has now mastered the coveted art of sliding, spinning and shooting coasters accross the table.

The weekend was highlighted with a visit from Grandma and Grandpa who swooped in to chillax with Sweet Sammy. Sam Man dismissed his parents for the evening in order to garner full and complete attention from his fans.

Fuelling Up on ZZz's before a Sizzling Saturday Night

The Teething Timbit took Sunday out to relax and tend to his aching gums. For most of the week, the poor man has resembled pie-eyed lush with his crimson red cheeks and the puddles of drool dripping from his aching gums. Brave Boy has managed to push through 2 more chompers on the top and is now the proud owner of 6 pearly whites. The boy has become quite the proficient and independant eater as a result of these new cutting and sawing instruments.

We are now waiting for the boy to finally 'make a move' on all fours...he has been teasing us with his rocking motions but has yet to bolt off into a full crawl. He is most interested in standing and pulling himself up...which is outright terrifying...Despite wanting to see the boy progress and thrive, I am hoping that the boy takes his sweet time before taking his first step...I have assured him there is absolutely NO rush.


Blogger Lenny said...

I love spending time with my little friend Timbit! Call again anytime. You'd better. Or I'll take it personally!

My play by play of the events:

Adventures in Babysitting

5:45pm - Chelsea heads out the front door, yelling "He's on the floor upstairs, go up when you're ready!". I go upstairs to hang with Sam. He's on the floor, hanging out, keeping it real, and starts laughing and clapping when he sees me. Right on!

5:46pm - Once he realized Chelsea is not behind me? Full on meltdown.

6:10pm - After I tired everything I could think of to calm him down, I called Jim to let him know that Sam officially hates me. I put Sam on the phone and Jim talked to him for a bit. He stopped screaming while he was on the phone in favour of mere whimpering. Excellent.

6:15pm - Hang up the phone to allow meltdown to continue. I have never in my life heard screaming like this. He screams louder when he sees my face and takes his tiny little hand and shoves my face away with it. Ouch. Seriously people, ouch.

6:30pm - Sam cries until he throws up. Did you catch that? He cried until he THREW UP! And then he kept crying.

6:31pm - After trying toys, the matt, the bottle, and the phone, I resort to the rocking chair in his room and singing to him. Yep. I think he likes Gershwin. And he appreciated that I did the verses. He's so worn out from the screaming, the hating me and the puking that he falls asleep. I take him into the tv room to hang with me, while he sleeps.

7:00pm - Boy wakes up with a start and I brace myself for the screaming. It never came! He was a happy, fun, cheerful, talking, clapping, cuddly boy! Hooray!!!!!

7:30pm - He takes down a bottle like the quick rabbit and proceeds to give me two big burps. Again - Hooray!!!!

8:10pm - Try the rocking chair / singing thing to put him to sleep again. Totally works, by the way (this is news to me, OK?). He spent the ten minutes before he drifted off alternately chewing on my fingers and giggling. I especially enjoyed watching him look at my fingers, considering which one to chew on. I will suffer through HOURS of "crying till he pukes" behaviour for like, oh, 2 minutes of this stuff. This is good stuff.

12:08 PM  

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