Tales of Timbit

Monday, February 12, 2007

On Da Move..

Chillaxin with Da Dames

T'was a lovely dovely weekend of chillaxin and just hangin'. Schmelly ventured out EAST to visit and join us on our weekly stroll down the Danforth. As per Timbit's request, we scooped up some new foods to try out. The wee lad's voracious appetite has forced me to devote A LOT more time in the kitchen than to which I am accustomed. Sophisticated Sammy is now enjoying the likes of quinoa, millet, turnip, and ricotta and due to his father's influence he is a BIG fan of every/all forms of carbohydrates. Sunday, the Sam Man was treated to a visit by his grandparents who scooted at high speeds down the QEW to visit with their favorite Torontonian Timbit. The boys were left to play hosts with the most whilst I disappeared for an indulgent afternoon of shopping on Bloor street.

Timbit kicked back with a pretty low key week. Mark made a guest appearance at music class on Wednesday. Sammy was thrilled to have both parents in tow but I think Mark was most pleased to be able to spend an hour with a roomful of mmmarvelous mommies.

Freshening Up After His Intesive Workout

Sammy fired up some royal hospitality on Sunday playing hosts to his proud pops, Kali, and Uncle Mikey. Pops went to town and pulled off this amazing spread of mmmega meat chile, bread, and of course beer. Abstainer Veg Head Sammy steered clear of the carnivorous feast and opted instead for a quacky of veggie delights and his bottle. It was then SHOWTIME and the Sam Man displayed his latest flip flop/ yoga routines to his fans. Despite not being able to crawl, the boy has become quite proficient at moving to whatever he sets his sights on. Rolling and doing 'the worm' seem to be his favorite methods of transportation. At 22 pounds (and growing) crawling is not exactly the easiest or most desirable way to haul oneself around. After resisting cracking open the playpen, I think I am going to have to crack 'the jailhouse' out just to have an area to allow the man to safely roll and romp without banging himself up.

No words to speak of (literally) yet...although I know he is just busting at the seems to declare his first attempt of "I love my maman"....Stay Tuned!


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