Tales of Timbit

Saturday, March 17, 2007

March Breaking

March Break was anything but an excuse to loaf and lounge for Timbit on a Tear. The boy served up quite the hospitality for a whack o' fans and to all of his doting grandparents.

Monday, we chillaxed with Nana and lunched down at the Bus Terminal - the kitchy krazy restaurant down the street. Sam Man amused his fellow patrons and server staff with his cheeseball smiles and food tossing endeavours. Tuesday, the Grandparents-in-Waiting Trudy and Laird venutred over to visit and log some practice play before the arrival of their grandkidlet in May. Timbit scored some swanky oraganic bath goods and yet another stuffed puppy. Timbit's huge surplus of stuffed puppies has squelched any deep desires for aopting a real live canine friend anytime soon.

Friday, Sam Man logged yet another day at the office and then fired up some pre-Paddy's Day celebrations with his favorite blondes...Karen and Natalie. Timbit was well restrained steered clear of the Green Beer. He was more enamoured with the offering pizza and cheerios to help fuel the celebrations. After closing out the week with a bang, Grandma and Grandpa who roared over the Burlington Skyway to help the young man mark his firt Patrick's Day.
Move Over Stever Carell ...
Sammy stars in the LIVE version
of 'The Office'

Sunday, #1 loyal Nephew Sammy caralled the family in front of the big 'screen'/ sheet to watch Uncle Mikey's latest masterpiece- Canada's Next Great Prime Minister. Sam Man was impressed by the calibre of programming but was more than confident that he would have served as a much superior candidate. The political animal is now busy devising his platorm to launch his campaign for the next show..... I am urging him to skip the mock parliment and head straight to the political stage....Stephen Harper watch out.....Sam Man means business with his popular campaign to have mandatory afternoon siesta hour observed accross the nation.....His lobbying campaign is building some serious steam.

Our young man is growing up way too fast.... he crawling around exploring everything and anything and is most insistent on hauling himself up every piece of furniture, bucket, basket, aor anything he can get his head into.....I have some serious physical conditioning ahead of me if I have any hope in keeping up to this guy.


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