Tales of Timbit

Monday, March 26, 2007

Farm Fun and Frolic

The Little Man trekked up to The Valley for the weekend which helped to spur his spring fever. Creepy Crawler was most keen to rekindle his friendships with all of his farm pals. On previous visits, the little man has been rather non chalant aroud canine host Tipper Taylor....things have since changed...Sammy revelled in tustling and rolling around with his canine pal. Sam Man was most thrilled to whirl around the place sussing out his surroundings from a new perspective from down on all fours. Nana was most accomodating- lending out any and every kitchen utensil, pot and pan for Timbit to play and make beautiful music. The weekend was highlighted with lots of cultural outings out n' about the Beaver Valley including an extravagent dinner out to Pizza DEEElite...life is so much more exciting now that Sammy is able to launch his teeth into pizza and other solid sensations.

Playing Peekaboo w/ Papa Pete

The strapping young man has grown up so much. He is getting bigger by the day and is now sporting clothing sized for 2 year olds. He is most entertaining with his expanding vocabulary of coos, caws, hoots, and hollers...he is busy ramping up his motor skils in order to belt out his first ever proclamation...I love my MAMAN.

Senior Sammy and I inspected the daycare accross the street - Dearhearts. Sam Man worked the room introducing himself to all the kidlets ensuring they were 'up to snuff' and intellectually 'on par' with the young man. All of the stakeholders seem to check out and and TImbit has given the place the thumbs up. He is now on tap to spend Wednesdays and Thursdays with the Dearhearts gang. Daddy is signed up to do 'drop off' duty so to ease maman's heartbreak and separation anxiety. Timbit insists on being spared the humiliation of his mother blubbering and sobbing in front of his new pals.


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