Tales of Timbit

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Scrambling and Rambling

The Little Man has been a busy bustling boy scooting around and trying to climb on everything. His favorite conquest is scaling the headboard in our bedroom. Despite the Little Man's Supersize Me status...he tears around at quite the impressive speed. It is admittedly exhausting keeping up to the guy!
Timbit Shows Off His Enviable Pecs and Biceps
The Wife Beater- One Timeless Fashion Piece

The week flew by with Super Sam having soared through his first 2 days of daycare drama free. He has managed to charm the pants off his 3 caregivers as well as his new pals at daycare. The gender split seems to sway in his favour with the girls outnumbering the boys 3:2 each day..not to mentioning the 3 sweet female caregivers that fawn over Studhorse Sammy.
The boy is now gearing up for his first visit from the Easter Bunny. Given his stellar behavious and ultra good looks, Sammy is banking on raking in some yummy organic treats from the Easter Bunny


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