Tales of Timbit

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Grandma and Grandpa Come to Town

Mister Man has been blabbering blurting out more and more these days. He is starting to string together words and feels more than articulate with his portfolio of vocabulary. Anything within his sight that he is unfamiliar with, he points to excaliming ' DAT' DAT'..wanting desperately to know what 'THAT' is?? We are slowly but surely learning to bridge the gaps between our different forms of communication.

Sam Man was showered with a visit from Grandma and Grandpa who scooted in from St. Kitts to catch up with Mister Mover and Groover. Spoiled Sam Man was swimming in gifts from his adoring grandparents…at this rate there is going to be no room or need for any gifts at Christmas time given the endless generosity on the part of the boy’s gaggle of grandparents. Sam Man then led his fans down to the Beach so Grandma and Grandpa could treat the ‘poor starving’ boy to an Italian feast at Il Fornello’s. Naturally the boy was riding one incredible carb high after ingesting mounds of bread, pasta, and more 'complex carbs'. We opted to go to the recently opened Dufflets to scoop up a healthy smattering of dessert offerings and theb head back to our 'humble abode' for to consume and digest the goodies. Needless to say, we were riding one incredible sugar HIGH after the obsene and gluttenous amount of sugar consumption.

The Clarmitage Gang has slowly but surely fallen into a comfy 'fall groove'. Sam the Man has become ever more confident and comfortable with his daycare possee..especially now that he has ascened higher and higher atop the ladder of seniority amongst his classmates. My only complaint these days is the man has failed to submit to a peaceful and serence bedtime routine....n matter how we 'set the stage', the guy will always end up screaming his guts out when put into bed....he is defeintely a lover of attention!!! He has started showing movements of hauling himself out of his crib but has defintely started making the motions to haul himslef over the bars. I fear it is only a matter of weeks until we have to "graduate" from his crib to a "big boy" bed : (

I hate the fact that these kidlit creatures insist on growing up way faster than you are reday for them to do so!! I seriously wish he would ask for permission to progress to his next milestone.


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