Tales of Timbit

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Feasting in L'il India

Blissful Bunch with Bloated Bellies
The weekend was a beautiful one and we seized the opportunity to soak up the sunshine buzz down to Little India. Uncle Mikey tagged along for the veggie feast. Sam Man led the charge for the food line and manage to inhale quite the interesting/bizzarre combo of garlic naan, cucuber salad and butter paneer sauce. He is definetely acquiring his parents' 'interesting'/ weird palate.

Timbit Fielding one of Many Fan Calls

Timbit's obsession with phones continues. Anything that remotely resembles or can serve as a mock phone/PDA is an automatic hit with the boy. The guy wil yap into a credit card if given the opportunity. Any potential meltdown can be averted by donning a techno gadget of some sort. The Cline side definetely emerges in the boy with his obsession for all things electronic....so much for the affinity for organic green and healthy age appropriate toys. The phone is definetely a way to channel his verbosity and gregarious nature. Timbits vocabulary is expanding everyday as is his expressiveness. The boy is seriously contemplating taking a run at the next Canadian Idol title with his singing and dancing act. Music Man plays one mean act with the measuring spoons and metal cookie sheet.
We are still having to learn how to conserve our stamina and pace ourselves throughout the day in order to keep up with the Torrid Tike....I so envy his endless supply of vim and vigour.


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