Tales of Timbit

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Rumour Has It ..You've Missed Me!

Okay obsessive fans...after a prolonged summer hiatus...the Timbit Times are back in production...Loafy Oafy maman has been too damned exhausted in these sticky sicky sky high temps trying to keep up to Speedy Sammy to even try and entertain writing something remotely noteworthy.
Sam Man Recconnects With His Gal Pal Savannah

Sammy and Savannah Beatin' 'Da Heat

Tiny Timbit has ballooned into a honey crueller/ jelly donut (take your pick). He has definetely filled out. Mark is now quite insecure over the fact that my biceps are double the size of his as a result of my Timbit Weight Workout regime. The 15.5 month old is yet to take his first official 'hands free' step. I have been told by countless people that our lives 'ARE OVER' once the kidlet starts walking but man my back and arms are ready for the ambling to start..... I read in the paper that man evolved from crawling on hands and knees in order to conserve energy...I am convinced that Sammy is not up marching as of yet because A) his huge cranium prevents him from balancing properly and B) He won't be able to consume the same crazy level of umpteen million calories per day once he 'gets his walk on'. Anyhoo, the boy is plenty adept at getting anywhere and everywhere he pleases and seems in no hurry. You can catch him standing on his own every once in a whilst oblivious to the fact that he is unsupported.

Sammy Social is has definetely become more yappy happy over the past few weeks. He is quite entertained just sitting and reading/ chat to himself for considerable chunks of time. We have fostered a bit of a cute (albeit sometimes tedious habit) in teaching the little man how to raise a toast and say cheers when he drinks. Now whenever the Sam Man is ingesting a beverage, anyone in plain view must be ready to raise a glass to Sammy Sipper.

Timbit- the social animal has torn up the social circuit this summer- yet another excuse for the slack summer reporting. Sam Man is in for another action packed weekend which we vow to report on promptly now that we are back on gear.

One sad note to report...the next few entries maybe a little lacking and unsubstancial in the pictoral/photo department.....me in my wisdom went and put the camera through the wash a few weeks back...I am now having to rub my pennies together to save for a new one!!

On behalf of Sir Timbit we want to convey a HUGE thanks to our crazy loyal fans....because of you Timbit Times is BACK online!


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