Tales of Timbit

Monday, April 30, 2007

Sammy Catches Springtime Fever

Little Literate Shows Off His Love for Literature

Sam Man's bustling week was highlighted with our outing to the Green Living Show. Eco Savvy Sammy is forever doing his part to shrink his eco footprint and fuel some serious fire power behind the green movement and spur hope for the future generations. The young man was extremely well behaved and most attentive at the various seminars and information sessions. He scored some serious points with his fellow Green Gang given his preference for cloth diapers and a a vegetarian diet. The budding advocate was a little disappointed at being denied a membership to the Green Party...apparantly he is a wee young at 11 months old to officially join a political party. He was given enough information to chomp on to spur his fellow constituents into action. Rabble Rousing activity aside, the highlight of the show for Sam Man was the food sampling...the man was delighted by the whack of new vegetarian products being flogged...especially the Vegan Jamaican patties!!

The nicer weather has allowed Timbit to celebrate the advent of his first ever BBQ season. President’s Choice Best Ever Meatless Burger and Portobello and Swiss Cheese Burger seem to be Veg Head Timbit’s favorite grill offerings. The boy seems to have a voracious bottomless appetite…Supersize Sam can inhale an entire burger at warp speed. The is becoming ever more independent refusing to allow us to feed him….Mister Maturity insists on eating anything and everything that’s served up on our plates so we dare not exclude him from any of our mealtimes.

Splashy Sammy kicked off his new swim session at the swanky Leaside Pool facilities. The Veteran dolphin is ever keen to splish splash around and build upon his aqua abilities. He is most adorable sporting a life jacket with his chubby cheeks oozing and spilling over the sides of the vest….there is definitely no chance of him drowning with the solid boy’s body composition!

The boy is adjusting to 2 days away from his maman at daycare….there is still some separation anxiety to overcome at morning drop off but all in all the little man is settling well and cultivating some solid friendships with his daycare posse. It is a bit bizarre when we tour the neighborhood/park and passerbys/kidlets recognize Sammy from via his ever bustling daycare network.

The week was jammed with visits from all the grandparents and a tour to visit a whack of other fans. Workaholic Timbit logged another full day at Armitage Associates before being rewarded with a lunch out at Over Easy (an all day brekkie joint) where he more than cashed in on his hard work with 3 helpings of toast and some omelet….there is never a fear of this child starving to death!

Despite scooting, crawling and scrambling at record speeds…mister locomotive has yet to make his first official step. The race is on to see if the boy can record his first pace before his first birthday.


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