Tales of Timbit

Monday, May 07, 2007

Cheerleader Timbit

Sammy Speedster is Bound and Determined to Be
More Adept Behind the Wheel than His Maman

Timbit was full of vim and vigour these past few weeks having found his voice as well as greased his wheels to spin around at top speeds. Despite not walking yet, the mobile maniac has found a way to locomote any which way possible at increasingly torrid speeds. He is quite innovative in the ways he gets about! His latest mode of transportation is his new radio flyer scooter that he got for Xmas. Sammy's thick and powerful legs can't quite straddle the seat and reach the floor but he manages to propel the car forward with his sheer force.

Pusher Pops Sparks Sammy's Crackberry Habit

Super Sammy climbed out of bed early to come out and cheer on the thousands of avid runners and walkers for the Sporting Life 10 KM. Patient Sportsfan Sam sat on the side of the Yonge Street course whilst his Slow Mo' Mommy dawdled and stubled through the course at the very back of the pack. Sadly, Supporter Sam fell asleep waiting for his slow poke mom to toddle on by. Post-run, Spectator Sammy worked up quite an appetite and scarfed down a veggie burger, pasta salad and a whole banana in order to refuel from his strenuousw cheerleading exercise. Mini Man Sam has evolved into quite the champion eater...each time I pick him up from daycare, the caregivers report on the ingestion of his mega mealtime feasts of a minimum of 2 helpings of the lunch time offerings. The boy appears to have aspirations to reign supreme at those zaney eating contests where contestants ingest mitfuls of food by the dozens. I am now very curious to find out what Mega Man Sam tips the scale at these days!


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