Tales of Timbit

Monday, May 28, 2007

365 Days Old+ Counting

BDAY Boy/ Party Unicorn Lives It Up
Bday Boy Timbit marked his Numero Uno Anniversaire with a flood of celebrations. Saturday was a marathon fiesta with a whack of pals on tap from all over the map. Our house was crawling with kidlets. The little philanthropist asked for donations in lieu of gifts and racked up a bunch of great toys to donate the Salvation Army . I was a mean wicked maman by not allowing him to sample a piece of birthday cake...Sammy managed to work around this On Sunday , a grand total of 26 family members came out to spoil the little lad with affection and a ton of loot. Sammy the Stud is going to be the best dressed lad in town with all of his dapper new outfits.

Party Hardy @ Club 100 Yonge Street

Timbit wound up the bday circuit with an afternoon birthday bash at Armitage Associates. His gal pals spoiled him with yet another cake and a whack of more prezzies...Needless to say party prince is now coming down from riding quite the festive buzz and ego high from the marathon of fiestas. Hopefully the next few days won't be too anticlimactic for the high flying Sammy Boy.

Sammy Takes a Swipe Out of His Birthday Cake


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