Tales of Timbit

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Weebly Wobbly Walking Man

Sooo Steady Eddie/ Sammy has finally found his footing. After many months of deliberation the Sam Man has finally decided to join the rest of the Biped Bunch. The teetery tottering tot first started out his routine by taking a handful of steps and then falling to his knees in favour of crawling-his more efficient mode of movement. After almost 2 weeks of practice, the young lad is oozing with confidence and now motors along at an impressive pace. He has yet to break out into a full blown sprint so I have been spared any crazy over exertion. I was warned that my was "OVER" once Timbit learned to amble independantly...but I have to admit that I am pretty pleased by his new found mobility as it allows my back and biceps reprieve by not having to carry him everywhere he shouldn't be crawling!!
The young lad has also developed into quite the verbose social animal. He can spend chunks of time conversing with anyone...he is especially pleased with chattting to himself -given that he is such an engaging and fascinating intellect. Our newly adopted cat-Buttons is also high on his list of preferred conversational partners. He and Buttons have quite the rapport going on....Sammy loves to fire practice golf balls at the feline to fetch. Words in his current portfolio include:

MOM (although admittedly DAD was uttered beforehand) DadPop (translation= bubbles) Buttons (our cat)Cheers (the man is hilarious how he toasts anyone with a drink in their hands)Ya (affirmative yes)

On the topic of scoial motor development, the little man is most definitely a quick study when it comes to anything technology related…the man is more than comfortable playing with a wide array techno gadgets- the blackberry and the projector rate first atop the boy’s toy list….have got to start sourcing some more organic alternatives!

"So Much For the Earthy Organic Baby Image"

Between the walking and the talking…life and times have been more than interesting in the Clarmitage Household.


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