Tales of Timbit

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sam Man Gets Up, Stands Up, Stands Up for His Rights

Bathing Beauties

Sam Man is UP but not quite ‘at ‘em’. Supersize Sam just now oozes with pride over his ability to swoop his way up into a yoga ‘powerful pose’. He dons a smug smile on his face every time he ‘gracefully’ springs into standing position. Sammy threatened to make that first step by placing one foot out in position but then promptly splatted down on the ground due to utter exhaustion from the whole exercise. Wee man has also developed into an avid climber..ready to scale himself up on anything and everything that looks enticing and inviting.

Tireless Timbit has been firing up a spree of endless hospitality these past few weeks. The little man rolled out the red carpet for the Semples (Vangroovy crew) who have just finished their 3 week tour of duty in Trenton with 6 month old Evan. Sammy offered them some respite and relief from life on the army base by hosting the family chez the Clarmitage casa for each of thepast 3 weekends. Sammy has been able to don Evan with all of his veteran words of wisdom of the ‘IN’s and OUT’s’ of infanthood…Prodigy Evan was so inspired by Sammy that he almost went for his first crawl and sampled some funky new solid food offerings. Timbit has been quite the impressive ambassador for his guests insisting that the crew take advantage of all of the fiestas and events on tap in T.O- the highlight being the Hot ‘n Spicy Food Fest where the fiery Timbit stocked up on about 3 dozen bottles of firery hot sauce and got his fill of curry and roti. Sam Man was a wee miffed at being shut out of the beer festival last weekend. His disappointment was negated by the fact that he got to log some overdue bonding time with his grandparents who spoiled him yet again with more toys a treat helping of junk food. I have assured Mister Eager Beaver that he will have plenty of future opportunities to imbibe and savour the ales and lagers of the world. We’ve also had Senior Sammer from Tanzania and Zoe from West Virignia install themselves chez Auberge Clarmitage whilst they visit Toronto and catch up with Timbit…the nonstop barrage of visitors has resulted in lots of wining and dining and late nights for Sammy Social. He has held up well and been most outstanding at sharing his toys, space AND rub a dub grub.

Sunday Social Hour- LOVE those guests who bring and DO EVERTHING!

Timbit is now up to 3 days/ week at daycare and seems to be loving logging the extra time with his buds. Not surprisingly he has been voted the BEST EATER and BEST Sleeper of the bunch…..yet more proof that he is indeed the son of Timmy/Mark Cline.

The young is now laying low in preparation for another busy whirl round the social circuit this upcoming weekend.


Blogger Lenny said...

Best title for a post EVER!

3:09 PM  

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