Tales of Timbit

Friday, August 24, 2007

Frenzied Feasting

Tiny Timbit was on a cultural tear for the weekend.. Saturday we sussed out the organic farmers market @ Brickworks where we scooped up loads of fresh organic GOODNESS…. Needless to say the voracious eater was in HEAVAN with the mounds of gastronomcal goodness abound. After loading up on treats at the hippy trippy marketplace we headed back to inspect Nana’s new digs…Sammy had a blast ambling and climbing over furniture and test driving all the ‘toys’ -unlit candles seemed to be a scary new infatuation. We then scooted down to the waterfront for a ‘little clubbing’ and helping of lunch at the tennis club to round out our mornng pigout session.

Stuffed with stamina laden treats, Sammy rolled back home to hook up with Uncle Mikey and his long lost gal pal Kali…..Timbit did not hold back in wooing and whooping it up for his “crush” ….we then marched down to Little India to scope out the South Asian fest and sample yet more divine worldy treats…Overprogrammed overstuffed Samuel was so knackered by the time we reached the cultural extravaganza that he slept through the whole fiesta despite the wafting airs of yummy nummy Indian spices and (lots of sam man’s all time
corn on the cob vendors) and blasting bollywood tunes at record high decibel levels. The sleeping dragon sprang to life right as we were leaving and insisted on his own helping of fresh naan bread to power him up for the stroll home. Tuckered Timbit kicked back for the evening with Ta TA whilst mama and papa bear escaped for dinner out on the town and allowed sammy a ‘rent free break.

Sammy was hardly afforded a day of rest on Sunday as the gang of us traveled out to Oakville for a bbq building bash at Rich and Chris’. Starving Sammy pressured the building crew to speed along construction so that the poor hungry lad could fill his belly with grilled goodness….As per always sir sammy won the award for ‘Best Fed’ guest having ingested food for everyone. Sacked sammy proceeded to crash HARD after his whirlwind weekend. The Clarmitage’s have played host to a non stop flow of amazing houseguests over the last few weeks…zippy zoe having been the latest addition to the mix in visiting from west Virginia….Sam is due to roar back into town from her eastern Canada tour….no lack o’ entertaining for Host W/ the Most!

Tireless Timbit started his ‘work week’ off with a bang … Mister Health Nut started the week off right by heading to his Chinese Medicine practitioner to get tested for some potential allergies…..Swanky Sam Man was quite pumped to have an excuse to cruise around Yorkville in his pimped up Bugaboo …too bad his deshevelled granola mom messed with the ultra hip baby look he was striving for. We then zoomed home on the subway in order catch up with auntie schmelly over lunch…..schmelly was especially popular with the young man as a result of the oatmeal raisin cookies she brought ‘for dessert’ – an very special treat change from Sammy’s the normally ‘sugar free’ status. Not surprisingly, the boy then retired way early from his fast and furious schedule. The man is seizing every possible opportunity to be outside before we are force to batton down the hatches for winter!


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