Tales of Timbit

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Sailing Sailing Over the Ocean Blue (or Murky Ontario Waters)

This past weekend was jammed with heaps o’ excitement and action. Saturday, our Strathmore Blvd Street gang congregated chez nous for a pizza party. We fired up half a dozen pizzas loaded with freshy organic goodies fetched by Pops and Mar Mar at Brickworks. We fuelled up for our night out on the town to take in Nuit Blanche – the night long artsy phartsy celebration of the arts in T.O. Sam Man took a pass on the evening after having tuckered himself out amusing the neighbours with his latest ‘stand up’ routine and from gorging himself with the pizza feast. The grandparents were kind enough to stay over night so that we night revelers could be afforded a morning sleep in.

Supercharged Samuel did not disappoint his sleepover guests and was up and at ‘em at 2:30 AM and then at 5 AM ready to rock ‘n roll. After a morning visit with a trio of grandparents- pops, mar mar, and nana, we packed up for an afternoon of cruising Lake Ontario with Captain Field who afforded First Mate Sammy to set sail on his first ever boat ride this past weekend. James kindly (and bravely) offered to take us all out on his sail boat for a leisurely sail on the lake. Sailor Sam was all in all a good first mate despite his desire to pull and tug on any dangling rope/sheet shroud and all the other loose but ever important parts of the sailboat. Thankfully we were loaded down with treats so we were able to pacify the mini matie with goodies when it was important to sit still. Pre-sail, the expanding sammy was already at the upper limit for the weight restrictions on the life jacket and I think he was totally maxxed out by the time he had ingested half a butter chicken roll, a pecora and whack of sweet treats over the duration of the sail (miraculously he didn't chuck up his chips). Sam Man and I were banished below in the cabin whilst the rest of the crew perform any serious manouvres/ tacks so to avoid having either of our HUGE noggins wacked by the boom. The weather was el perfecto and Sailor Sam was most impressed with his initial nautical voyage. We capped off our day with some bevies at the sailing club- the little man had obviously not shed his sea legs and proceeded to take a huge nose dive on the parking lot pavement. Brave boy managed to shake off the pain and shock pretty quickly but chalked up some pretty impressive scrapes and bumps to the head. The keener sailor barely made it to the car before crashing out from his big day on the open waters.

The wordy and whizzy busy boy continues to amaze me with all of his new feats and sayings.
He has got some good rhythm and roll and loves to shake it like a mad man when in earshot of any music.


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