Tales of Timbit

Thursday, November 29, 2007

1.5 years and Counting

The little man is now officially a year and a half/ 18 months old!! I am really getting excited for Sammy to hit the 2 year mark when we can finally quit counting the child's age in months...it really strains the brain sometimes!!

Sooo sam man is soaring atop the development charts schpewing out new and hilarious words…and actually starting to string together VERY complex compound sentences like”Hi Mom” and “ Hi Dad”.

He has still to get over the needy “Mom, Mom, Mom” phase wherein he has to be within earshot of anywhere and everywhere I go….although initially flattering ..it is now just trying on the nerves. Timbit has become more and more talkative….he is ever so adorable in the way that he now says PEEASE when asking for something….all I have to say is “ What do you say?” which he quickly replies ….”PEEASE PEEASE PEEASE”….ah how can one say NO to such a polite young gentleman!!

The little man has almost finished up yet another term at music…he has now graduated to the toddler program for kids up to 4 years old….he seems to have been up to the challenge of this latest ‘promotion’ and has enjoyed adding new and louder instruments to his repertoire…now anything and everything in his path seems to serve as a percussion instrument…one way to keep him quiet and engaged at the grocery store is to let him bang on a tub of yogurt whilst we peruse the aisles. Sporty Sammy has also started playing Sportball with his dad on Saturday mornings….Sportball is an interesting combo of instruction in ‘soccer, tennis, basketball, golf…and all ball related sports’…the idea is to intro little budding athletes to the joy of the sports world….I of course have much greater expectations for the little lad.. hoping/ insisting that he be ready to enroll in multiple top tier sports academies by next fall at the latest….am expecting BIG things from this BIG boy….our retirement fund now fully rests on his shoulders!! I want him excelling at any and every sport JUST like his athletic and agile maman (okay I hope any and all of you readers are not choking from laughter right now).

This busy boy just gets more and more fun and entertaining by the second!!


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