Tales of Timbit

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Hallows Eve

Yoda and His Jedi Protige

Trick or Treater Timbit revelled and rocked out for his first official Trick Or Treating mission. Sam Man and his papa worked hard with seamstress Nana to whip up some pretty impressive Star Wars' themed outfits with Sammy dressed as Yoda and His papa as an aspiring Jedi prodigy. Needless to say, Yoda made quite the splash with his entire constituency circle. The Robed Rugrat won the award for 'Best Costume' @ Daycare and then went on to thrill all of the neighbours. We fired up a little impromptu Halloween Bash with Uncle Mikey, Kali, Nana, and our neigbours over some gruel, grog, and sugary goodies before hitting the streets for some loot.

Wiener Neihbour and Pal Ollie

Sam the Ham solicited each of the hosts/houses with an adorable "Hi" and then a " Bye" after he collected his loot.....we had to cut him off after soliciting the immediate neighbours as we didn't want to crate home too many tempting treats to RAWK Sugar-Free Sam's diet....he did score some raisins for which he got the green light....His hypocritical parents have meanwhile gorged themselves stupid on all the loot for which their dear son toiled so long and hard to collect...I should feel so guilty and exploitive for my actions.

The boy has been racing around like a mad man and has really been picking up speed....I have to say that I am really enjoying this age and stage as the little man is so much more easily engaged and easy to communicate with...it really is quite unreal to watch him grow up to be a little boy!


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