Tales of Timbit

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Snip Snip Buzz Buzz- Timbit Gets a Makeover

We finally got Sammy’s long lock’s lopped off. It was quite the outing. At first the guy was just terrified of the whole ordeal screaming in horror of having to sit in a chair whilst a women gingerly greeted him with a pair of scissors. I have to say that the stylist was ingenious with her tricks of the trade- resorting to a whole whack of diversions..bubbles, books, toys….the crying client then settled down once given a car and the car keys to tinker with. Stylin’ Sammy was then right into the groove and settled by the time the stylist the razor to the neck…..the highlight was as the end of the appointment when the Big Man relished in being able pay for his cut. He then trotted off to log his usual chalked full Sat of music and Sportball.

With the aid of Maman’s Helper Mel, we dragged the poor boy off to look at lighting for the basement. We are under the gun to pick up all of the fixtures for our reno as things are humming along at a decent pace…it is going to be SO great once all the work is done!! Right now we are on tap to have everything finished for April 1st …so we’re just hoping that our crew can stick close to the critical path. It will be great to reclaim our living and dining room and actually have a place to spread out with all of the toys and trinkets. Tool Man Timbit loves checking out the progress of the basement. Every morning “The Man” (actually different teams of men) come in to work…..as soon as Sammy hears the thuds and bangs start up…he is keen to tear downstairs with his dad to greet the men and drool and awe over their tools and instruments. The morning ritual seems to be a favorite father son bonding routine these days….I can forsee the many many moons to be logged at Home Depot + Canadian Tire together….

I will admit to getting very nervous about juggling 2 kidlets. On Sunday, we had friends and their 3 kids (all under 5) over for dinner. Sammy played quite the host with the most –sharing his toys and showing the kids around….it was not until I went to hold the newborn baby Kate that he started to go crazy bananas with jealously…he insisted on “Baby Down and Sam UP UP UP”… he was having no part in this Share the Parent gig! Mark later tried to pick up Claire the 3 year old after she was hurt….once again Sam Man got his nose out of joint and insisted that he be held and Claire be discarded…t;was not a welcome forshadowing of days to come when new baby arrives on the scene!

We are also slowly acclimatizing to having me back at work full time. I really hate leaving the little man all day 5 days/ week…it’s so hard to jam in everything each day and feel like you are getting ahead…especially with our house in shambles and upside down from the reno. I so miss the guy each day that’s it’s really hard to stay focused and on track. He is just so amazing with all of the vocab and little colloquialisms he has picked up….Oopsie Daysies is a biggie fav these days. He is also great at nailing down people’s names..the guy has definitely got potential as a recruiter given his mastery for remembering names and faces!

The wee man is now getting set to ring in his second Valentines Day with Buttons, Nan and Uncle Mikey. I may even cave and allow him a little sampling of chocolate!!


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