Tales of Timbit

Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy '08!

Happy New Year friendz and fanz!

Once again we must apologize to all our followers for the slack efforts over the holiday season/ new year…Timbit was on a tear closing out the new year with a bang with multiple holiday fetes and feasts to attend. He did manage to squeeze in a quality visit with Santa in order to submit his request for any and all things loud and musical. The boy was not disappointed on Xmas having been flooded with gifts by his fans. The busy boy has been filling his days with sampling his new prized possessions and stylin’ new fashions. Despite having tried to encourage the fam to play down the commercialization and gifty giving aspects of Xmas..the boy was overloaded with goods over the holiday. There has been no room for boredom with all of Timbit’s new loot! Thankfully we have opted to go ahead with our basement reno starting this month (VERY exciting) which will allow us to better store all of the new additions to Sammy’s train, book, toy, sports equipment (and you name it) collections!

Little Drummer Boy Makes His Holiday Debut
(the drum definetly stole the spotlight from the plethora of other goods showered upon sammy this holiday)

Speaking of new additions…it is now OFFICAL….we will be welcoming a new meber to our family this June. Sammy is going to (hopefully) be embracing a new sibling this spring with whom to share all of veteran wisdom and prized possessions. I am admittedly very nervous about the juggling act that will be required to manage a pair of offspring but am reassured by the fact that Senior Sammy will have passed the 2 year milestone by the time his new bro or sis pops on the scene….fingers are double crossed that the bouts of ‘The Terrible Twos’ will be kept to a minimum!! Timbit is faintly aware that there is a baby in mom’s “tummy” and points to my belly when asked where the baby is? Should be interesting to see if there is any additional build up of interest or queries?

All in all we are off to a rearing start for ’08 as we expand our humble abode and our fam unit!