Tales of Timbit

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Toddling and Tootling Along

Little Man continues to amaze me with his growth and development. The guy has a memory like a sponge remembering names and events like a genius. He is quite the cock of the walk at daycare these days having moved up the seniority ladder in terms of age and development. He is now able to go out for walks without the stroller and is invited to help take the dogs out for strolls in the park.

Our basement is still a work in progress but is coming along nicely which is VERY exciting! Sammy's favorite activity is to go and inspect the work by "the Man" (his code word for the work crew) and inspect all of their tools and materials. Needless to say the man is oh so fascinated with the assortment of screwdrivers, hammers and other machines on site for the project. One of the more exciting developments to transpire is the return of our washer/ drier which had been out of commision for the last month having been stored in the garage whilst we had the foundation poured and electrical work completed. Sammy has been tickled pink with the "Washing 'Sheen'" ...obviously the poor guy was longing some clean clothing on a more regular basis!!

Sammy Social has been on a roaring tear around the social circuit these last few weeks. Last weekend he was able to whisk his doting parents out of town whilst he entertained Nana, Uncle Mikey, Pops , Mar Mar and a host of others..... Timbit ceased the opportunity to bop around town for exciting excursions including a trip up to the Native Cultural Centre where he got to inspect all sorts of exciting sites and scenes including a campfire and a wigwam. He also got to indulge in a little retail therapy at IKEA with Nana and Mikey where he scored a new push toy to add to his bursting toy collection....thank god we have a new kidlet on the way to help share and justify the boat load of toys.

Sam Man is soaring atop the development charts schpewing out new and hilarious words…and actually starting to string together VERY complex compound sentences like Bye Mom/ Bye Dad. He has still to get over the needy “Mom, Mom, Mom” phase wherein he has to be within earshot of anywhere and everywhere I go….although initially flattering ..it is now just trying on the nerves.

The little man has almost finished up yet another term at music…he has now graduated to the toddler program for kids up to 4 years old….he seems to have been up to the challenge of this latest ‘promotion’ and has enjoyed adding new and louder instruments to his repertoir…now anything and everything in his path seems to serve as a percussion instrument…one way to keep him quiet and engaged at the grocery store is to let him bang on a tub of yogurt whilst we peruse the aisles. Sporty Sammy has also finished up his first term of gymnastics and sportball....the sporty group gatherings seem to appeal to the little lad's high energy levels but the boy is not always keen and eager to listen and follow instructions ..preferring to march to the beat of his own drum...am going to chalk up the short attention span to his age and gender.

We're now just crossing our fingers for warmer weather...the boy is quite fond of his afternoon strolls which we partake on everyday after daycare...the boy is quite difficult to lure inside even on the brutal bitter days. He is less than fond of sporting his gloves which is not great recipe for long walks outside.....this contentious issue has led to quite a few melt downs and tantrums when I am forced to drag him kicking and screaming back indoors....ohh we are just loving the emergence of the feisty hard headed toddler who knows EXACTLY what he wants!!! No NO NO is by far our favorite word these days....which has definetely spurred some challenges to the nerves!! Beyond those struggles , it has been a riot to watch the little man develop his beautiful little personality. It is hard to believe how a little guy can continue to grow cuter and cuter each and every waking day!!


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