Tales of Timbit

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Timbit the Talker

My little boy has turned into a headstrong verbose independent little man as he approaches the ever beautiful 2 year old mark. Am struggling with what I am going to do when Bebe Numero Deux comes along given sammy’s insatiable maman addiction. Ahhh tis going to be interesting…VERY interesting!! Am admittedly scared about how the boy is going to take to the addition of an extra family member…I have been given varying words of advice from various veteran parents and am thinking I am going to opt for the suggested strategy of downplaying the whole event. The latest tip from a neighbor is to start holding a stuffed animal or doll on your lap so that Sam Man will be accustomed to having to share maman…hey I am open to anything right now!

Sammy the SPONGE has a rampant case of verbal diarrhea repeating and picking up on anything and EVERYTHING other people say….god he is a man of many tales..recounting and recollecting anything and everything he observes…it frightens me how sharp the guy is….we are going to have to buck up if we ever think we are going to outsmart mini man! I was burned the other day when I referenced the movie Jackass..only to have my little parrot echo back jackass for the rest of the day! Have also been struggling with sharing issues and enlightening sammy to the fact that the world is not totally Timbit-centric as is supposedly common amongst toddler types.

We just returned from a weekend getaway to the Falls…Sammy stayed behind in St. Catharines to bond with his grand ‘rents whilst we gave the man some space for an overnight away. I am totally looking forward to next summer once the little lad is big enough to appreciate the wonders of sight seeing but we must first work on learning to respect boundaries and not wander off!

We’re now anxiously awaiting some real springy weather so to better enjoy the outdoors…AMEN…this winter has dragged on WAY WAY too long!


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