Tales of Timbit

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Movin' and Groovin' Along @ 8 Months

Sacked Out Sammy Refuels From His Torrid Growth Spurt

Well Sammy has started his engine and is ready to motor- in constant need of action. He is now 'scooching'/ squirming everywhere and threatening to crawl any second now. You can't keep your eyes off the little locomotive as he is ready to fling, flop, and roll anywhere these days.
The young man has finally been able to savor his first REAL taste winter with the mercury having dipped and the snow god Ulr having finally dusted us with some real white fluffy stuff. Sammy is sporting some blazing crimson red cheeks these days as a result of both the colder blustery temps and from the emergence of his third tooth. The wee wun is just dying to get the green light to hit the slopes and test out his new red sled.
Sammy Social rolled out the red carpet to a whole host of fans this week. Last weekend Sammy fired up a training camp for a crop of 'parents to be'. Friday, Jason and Mandy came over to show off their 'bump' and to shower lucky ducky Timbit with a belated X-mas gift. On Saturday, 'Maman in Waiting' Rachel came over to hang out with the Sam Man whilst his parents ventured out to consume some high culture at the Toronto 'RAWK' game. Sammy has been giving his babysitters a definite run their money and is no longer the perfect angel when it comes to 'hitting the hay'. Bedtime involves some serious manipulative mind games when it comes to distracting the little guy and luring him into a slumber. I have yet to adopt the perfect textbook bedtime routine and instead opt to distract him with any possible 'new' toys and trinkets long enough to tucker him out.
Sammy Cranks Up the Charm for Maman To Be Mandy
Sunday, after a brief and frigid trot down the Danforth, we ventured out for a huge curry feast at Jamie and Jodi's. Sam Man delighted his fellow guests with his latest acrobactics and highly intellectual coos and caws. Tired Timbit was left to slumber in the hosts' luxious mammoth king sized bed...quite the step up from his highly juvenile crib.
Sir Sammy Awaits a Ride in his Chariot
Wednesday night, we played host to Julia Ankemann- who is just shy of her 3 month birthday. Studhorse Sammy really didn't know what to make of his little pal but was most congenial- sharing his space/toys with Junior Julia. Swimmer Sammy deeked out for his swim lesson before coming back to entertain his lady friend. It was quite scary to witness how much Supersize Sammy towered over little Miss Julia (who is only 6 months his junior). The little man has transformed from a little infant to a strapping sturdy toddler in what seems like 'just overnight'.
Tuckered Timbit Melts From Excessive Entertaining
Timbit closed out the week with a bang by playing Toronto amabassador to his visiting grandparents. We ventured downtown to pow wow for a stamina building brekkie at Eggspectations before kicking off a day of post-holiday bargain shopping. Retail savvy Timbit blazed a trail through the Eaton Centre leading his maman and grandma to his favorite fashion outlets where he scored a whack of stylish staples to round out his wide winter wardrobe (the boy is now sporting clothing for 2 year olds and socks for 3 year oldsto cover his bulky brawny calfs). Friday night, Timbit was left to rule the roost and entertain his doting grandparents whilst his parents deeked out for a highly cultural evening of 5-pin bowling. We are now chomping at the bit to enrol Sam Man in his first 5 pin league. All he needs is a pair of shoes, a personalized bowling bag to compliment his impressive beer bowling gut/girth. I have to give Danforth bowl a huge plug as one classic Freddy Flinstone nostalgic venue that is to be enjoyed by FUN seekers of all ages.
Sam Man is now set to celebrate his 2/3 year old b-day with Pops and Martha whilst banishing his parents for another night out. Cheers and happy 8 month mark to the (not so) Tiny Timbit!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Timbit Does His Part to Tame the January Blahs

Sammy kicked off the weekend early with a hazy lazy lunch date at the local grub and gruel pad 3's Companywith his pals Phinn and Isabelle... the young man was on his best of behaviour and charmed the doting cafe patrons. We then roared out to the West End to hit Ronces for a quickie weekend visit with Ms. Schmelly before hooking up with the Freitsma's for a Indian gorge fest of lots. Sammy was quite taken with the his Elder Hostess Extraordinaire Ms. Meals and all of her fantago spread of toys and groovy gizmos. After inhaling the mamoth feast, our hosts were most accomodating in rigging up an inviting makeshift bed in the bathtub so the Tuckered Timbit could catch some zzz's whilst his parents got trounced at '90's version of Trivial Pursuit.

Saturday we caught up with Kavi and Auntie Mo over Ghandi Roti 'SOOO GOOD'. SuperstA Sam Man impressed the ladies with his latest 'bag o' tricks' clapping, snorting, and lots of squirming. The wee wun is making lots of threats to crawl but there has been no formal locomotion to be made on all fours as of yet....but stay tuned sports fans. Tracey and Jazzy Jim ventured over for a highly intellectual evening of watching YouTube clips....Sammy's personal fave was the chronicles of Gay Robot....man the poor child is going to be in need of some serious therapy early on in life.

Sunday we left him to his own devices to entertain Nana whilst we toured around T.O. trying to find a dishwasher and washer and dryer to replace our ailing evironmentally destructive Totally 80's appliances....tis funny how one seems to place a much higher premium on these labour/time saving devices once children appear on the scene.

The week has been a rather low key and chillaxed one with minimal outings due to the freezing temps. It was actually rather refreshing/ reassuring for Sam Man to be able to experience some sub-freezing temps after the scary streak of signs of Global Warming/Warning weather. Highlights included another trip downtown to 'Lunch with the Ladies' of Armitage Associates. Sammy then logged some 'chargeable hours' while chairing the company administrative meeting. The Wee Wun raised a motion to a) have a jolly jumper installed in the boardroom and b) drive more traffice to the Armitage Associates website by posting a large headshot of himseld on the landing page. The motions are now under serious consideration by the company president.

Sam Man made a strong second showing at his swim class. The boy was on fire and definetely gave his swim partner papa a good workout as he splish splashed all over the pool in chase of any and every ball in sight.....the brilliant boy is now begging to bail out on these juvenile tot classes and jump straight into water polo. Sammy's greater than average girth is proving to be most advantageous in allowing him superior buoyancy. We rookie parents have now learned that swim class necessitates much more frequent diaper changes after one's child manges to slurp up 3x their body weight in water over the course of their swimming lesson.

Sammy continues to grow like a weed...now filling out clothing inteded for two year old bodies. Despite my requests to SLOW DOWN, the boy continues on his developmental odyssey. I will admit that the days get more and more entertaining as the young man shows off more of his strong willed personality.

Tis time to hunker down and refuel for 'da weekend!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Sam Man Make's a 'Splashy' Start to the New Year

Sammy Celebrates a Belated 'Box'ing Day

Sam Man has been on quite the visiting spree this past week...catching up with his pals post-holiday season. I have been quite impressed by the lad’s humbleness not to rave and brag to his friends about the crazy haul he raked in over xmas. It’s funny despite all the new and wonderful goods the little man received from Santa and his fans, Tupperware and wooden spoons still seem to rate as the young man’s favourite goodies.

The boy has become way more vocal and is constantly in need to ‘do the locomotion’ be it rolling, bouncing to new heights in the jolly jumper, or creeping (we’re not quite crawling yet). I keep reassuring the boy that it is OKAY to take his sweet time in learning to walk.

Sam Man has been quick to fire up a packed social schedule this past week. Thursday we had a visit with Auntie Schmelly whilst on her break from the Montessori Monkeys. Timbit was keen to show off his new social and super exploratory self- showing off his latest and greatest toys and tricks. Sunday, Sam got to catch up with his new pal Julia who ventured over with her ma and pa to cook up an amazing seafood feast of scallops and marlin with dad’s favourite molten lava chocolate cake for dessert. Needless to say, Sammy was not all that enthralled to be shut out from the feast and having to settle for his humble dinner of squash and mango puree. Sammy was quite intrigued by his junior pal Julia....it’s quite incredible how much of a difference 6 months make in terms of a child’s development...I can barely remember the Little Timbit at that age...so SCARY!

Sammy Consults Melly Montessori on the Latest and
Greatest Developmental Toys To Add to Her Classroom

Tuesday, Timbit got to hook up for lunch with Auntie Mo, Jen, and Savannah. As the sole male in the group, Sammy took full advantage of hamming it up and WOWing the ladies with his horse play and squeals of delight. The boy is developing quite the hilarious cackle/laugh....it should be interesting to see what kind of laugh the guy develops given the crazy chuckle of both his nutty parents.

Sam Man Hams It Up For the Ladies

Wednesday was a huge day Timbit made a SPLASH (literally) at his first swim lesson with his dad. It was a hilarious spectacle to witness and Super Splasher spent the better part of the hour blinding his dad with his extreme kicking routine. Aqua Man Sam showed NO FEAR as he logged a vigorous 45 minute workout with his dad.

Timbit Takes 'The Plunge'

Yesterday, Timbit continued on his 2007 reunion tour and caught up with his yoga pal Phinn and his ma for coffee. Phinn and Timbit are the same age and it is so scary to witness how fast each of them have grown up over the past few months. It is quite adorable to watch the two of them interact and check each other out. It was then home to rest up for the long night ahead of us. Last night, Sammy was commandeered by his dad to play Junior I/T Guy and help set up the new DELL’s at Pop’s office. Sam Man had a hay day shredding the paper, the shipping boxes from the new machines..the boxes and the office plants definitely ranked as more of a highlight than the computers.

Sam's Latest Career Aspiration- Professional Mover

The Wee Wun is definitely much BUSIER and in need of action these days. The house continually looks like a bomb site as we seem to roam from room to room to exhaust each and every item of its entertainment potential....If the saying ‘idle hands are the devil’s workshop holds true- Sam Man is definitely and angel!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Happy New Year!

Feliz Navidad and a Very Happy New Year!

Sir Sammy would like to wish everyone a belated Happy Festivus and Joyous New Year. Tis been a bit of a battle for us humble little family as we have all battled a yummy melange of coughs, colds, and flu bugs since X-mas Day.

Santa Sammy Makes His Rounds on the Festive Party Circuit

Despite our battered immune systems, we were all able to ring in a very Merry Christmas Season with lots of friends and family. Sammy fired up lots of pre-Xmas visits with his pals including Andrea and Jamie who flew all the way in from Sydney, AU to visit the man (as well as a few family members), the Armitage clan, and other VIP's.
Tiny Timbit Teaches Crazy Auzzie How 'Real Men'
Bundle Up Properly for Winter

Sam Man went on quite the extensive tour for his innaugral X-mas having ventured to St. Catharines, then to Niagara Falls, on to Fonthill, then back to Toronto for a Xmas dinner, onwards to Orangeville for Boxing Day, and then up to Kimberley for a few days before ringing in 2007 with his sick and pathetic parents.

Finally Catching Up With 'GREAT'est Uncle Tim

Anyhoo, Sam Man has kicked off the New Year with a bang and has so far stuck to his impressive list of New Years resolutions: To go up at least 2 pant sizes To put on at least 10 pounds To sample as many new ethnic cuisines as possible To build up his quads with his diligent jolly jumper sessions To utter I LOVE MY MOM as his first full sentence... and the list goes on. We will report on his progress in sticking to this list of vows for '07. Tiny Timbit relays high fivers and cheers to a great kick off to '07.