Tales of Timbit

Monday, August 27, 2007

Empty Nesting

Timbit has been feeling a little lonely not having hoards of fans storming the now that Hotel Clarmitage has quieted down for the season. Saturday, Sammy finally got to pow wow with his pen pal Isla who was finishing up a tour of Ontario. Isla was in town from Sackville, NB and Suave Sammy manage to convince her to squeeze him in to her chalked full social schedule before flying back to New Brunswick.... Despite feeling less than pafait from his teething torture, Smoothe Sam Man was still able to woo and impress his lovely lady friend who is 4 months his junior. Timbit gorged himseld with mixed bag of brunchy eats and treats before passing out from a food coma and fraternizing fatigue. Sunday was hardly a day of rest for young Samuel, we spent the day firing up a farewell Fiesta for Sammer Senior who whisked off back to Tanzania after 3 weeks here in the homeland. We used the excuse to invite over half of our street and Sarah C who was also fresh back from a visit to Tanzania….Needless to say all of these galloping globetrotting guests have more than whetted the Sam Man’s taste for adventure and he now stressed with where to set forth on his first global adventure…..India is high atop the list given the boys preference and desire for their gastronomical goodies!

Timbit has been a bit of a Molar Monster over the past week…..the poor devil has been hammered with fever, crimson red cheeks, soupy diapers and a need to jam his fists in his mouth. One molar has cut through with a handful more about to erupt through his gums…the pain and suffering has taken its toll on us all and led to the ingestion of lots of soothing chewy food and baby Tylenol by Timbit and free flowing boozies on the part of the sympathetic spectators. Tuesday we rolled out the red carpet for a visit from Sweet Sophie and maman Rachel…we took the opportunity to scout out the East York Farmers Market whilst the fresh fruit is still in abundance….The Tortured Teether was less than impressed by the ‘organic outing’….one knows they are in trouble with a Sour Sam on their hands if he refuses all food and drink offerings…not even fresh baking or fruit could numb and quiet the pained little lad. We made it home after a long, loud and tearful trip home..funny how a 20 minute stroll with a wailing child translates into what feels like a 20 hour session in a torture chamber. The battered boy made a miraculous recovery once we reached home to the porch where the boy could roam free and show off his tricks and schtick to his lady guests…..with his spirits perked, Sam Man hammed it up for Sweet Sophie and Rachel. The mommies rewarded themselves with a sizeable bowl of Kawartha Dairies ice cream after the disastrous outing. Sage Sammy managed to simmer back to sweet spirits as he knew that he had a bday party on tap in the later afternoon for one of his little daycare friends. After bidding adieu to his afternoon guests, Sam Man cleaned spiffed and spruced himself up for his pal Tyler’s bday party across the street at the daycare. Ohh was the wee man pumped to be able to revel and rock with all of his fav toys and pals alongside a supersize spread of Scooby Snax. I loosened up and allowed the little lad to sample some bday cake for the occasion….Sly Sammy manage to dig into both his piece of cake as well as those belonging to his unsuspecting seat partners….Needless to say the Efferfecent Eater was coated head to toe with cake and icing by the time the party wound down. Papa and I then exited for our final soccer game of the season whilst sammy hung out with TaTa who looked after the spent Sam Social. The poor guy crashed at 6:30 PM and was down for the count until 7:30 the next morning…..the entertaining machine seriously had the life sucked right out of him.

Chatty Cathy Kidlet keeps spouting out new words and expressions….he is definitely not a shy guy when it comes to wanting to express himself…the latest words are POP his word for bubbles and Bub Bub for his bottle…..Maman is of course rates high atop his list of favorite and endearing words

Little Labouring Lad is now looking to lay low for Labour Day weelend and refuel to ensure a fun and productive kick off to the fall season.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Frenzied Feasting

Tiny Timbit was on a cultural tear for the weekend.. Saturday we sussed out the organic farmers market @ Brickworks where we scooped up loads of fresh organic GOODNESS…. Needless to say the voracious eater was in HEAVAN with the mounds of gastronomcal goodness abound. After loading up on treats at the hippy trippy marketplace we headed back to inspect Nana’s new digs…Sammy had a blast ambling and climbing over furniture and test driving all the ‘toys’ -unlit candles seemed to be a scary new infatuation. We then scooted down to the waterfront for a ‘little clubbing’ and helping of lunch at the tennis club to round out our mornng pigout session.

Stuffed with stamina laden treats, Sammy rolled back home to hook up with Uncle Mikey and his long lost gal pal Kali…..Timbit did not hold back in wooing and whooping it up for his “crush” ….we then marched down to Little India to scope out the South Asian fest and sample yet more divine worldy treats…Overprogrammed overstuffed Samuel was so knackered by the time we reached the cultural extravaganza that he slept through the whole fiesta despite the wafting airs of yummy nummy Indian spices and (lots of sam man’s all time
corn on the cob vendors) and blasting bollywood tunes at record high decibel levels. The sleeping dragon sprang to life right as we were leaving and insisted on his own helping of fresh naan bread to power him up for the stroll home. Tuckered Timbit kicked back for the evening with Ta TA whilst mama and papa bear escaped for dinner out on the town and allowed sammy a ‘rent free break.

Sammy was hardly afforded a day of rest on Sunday as the gang of us traveled out to Oakville for a bbq building bash at Rich and Chris’. Starving Sammy pressured the building crew to speed along construction so that the poor hungry lad could fill his belly with grilled goodness….As per always sir sammy won the award for ‘Best Fed’ guest having ingested food for everyone. Sacked sammy proceeded to crash HARD after his whirlwind weekend. The Clarmitage’s have played host to a non stop flow of amazing houseguests over the last few weeks…zippy zoe having been the latest addition to the mix in visiting from west Virginia….Sam is due to roar back into town from her eastern Canada tour….no lack o’ entertaining for Host W/ the Most!

Tireless Timbit started his ‘work week’ off with a bang … Mister Health Nut started the week off right by heading to his Chinese Medicine practitioner to get tested for some potential allergies…..Swanky Sam Man was quite pumped to have an excuse to cruise around Yorkville in his pimped up Bugaboo …too bad his deshevelled granola mom messed with the ultra hip baby look he was striving for. We then zoomed home on the subway in order catch up with auntie schmelly over lunch…..schmelly was especially popular with the young man as a result of the oatmeal raisin cookies she brought ‘for dessert’ – an very special treat change from Sammy’s the normally ‘sugar free’ status. Not surprisingly, the boy then retired way early from his fast and furious schedule. The man is seizing every possible opportunity to be outside before we are force to batton down the hatches for winter!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sam Man Gets Up, Stands Up, Stands Up for His Rights

Bathing Beauties

Sam Man is UP but not quite ‘at ‘em’. Supersize Sam just now oozes with pride over his ability to swoop his way up into a yoga ‘powerful pose’. He dons a smug smile on his face every time he ‘gracefully’ springs into standing position. Sammy threatened to make that first step by placing one foot out in position but then promptly splatted down on the ground due to utter exhaustion from the whole exercise. Wee man has also developed into an avid climber..ready to scale himself up on anything and everything that looks enticing and inviting.

Tireless Timbit has been firing up a spree of endless hospitality these past few weeks. The little man rolled out the red carpet for the Semples (Vangroovy crew) who have just finished their 3 week tour of duty in Trenton with 6 month old Evan. Sammy offered them some respite and relief from life on the army base by hosting the family chez the Clarmitage casa for each of thepast 3 weekends. Sammy has been able to don Evan with all of his veteran words of wisdom of the ‘IN’s and OUT’s’ of infanthood…Prodigy Evan was so inspired by Sammy that he almost went for his first crawl and sampled some funky new solid food offerings. Timbit has been quite the impressive ambassador for his guests insisting that the crew take advantage of all of the fiestas and events on tap in T.O- the highlight being the Hot ‘n Spicy Food Fest where the fiery Timbit stocked up on about 3 dozen bottles of firery hot sauce and got his fill of curry and roti. Sam Man was a wee miffed at being shut out of the beer festival last weekend. His disappointment was negated by the fact that he got to log some overdue bonding time with his grandparents who spoiled him yet again with more toys a treat helping of junk food. I have assured Mister Eager Beaver that he will have plenty of future opportunities to imbibe and savour the ales and lagers of the world. We’ve also had Senior Sammer from Tanzania and Zoe from West Virignia install themselves chez Auberge Clarmitage whilst they visit Toronto and catch up with Timbit…the nonstop barrage of visitors has resulted in lots of wining and dining and late nights for Sammy Social. He has held up well and been most outstanding at sharing his toys, space AND rub a dub grub.

Sunday Social Hour- LOVE those guests who bring and DO EVERTHING!

Timbit is now up to 3 days/ week at daycare and seems to be loving logging the extra time with his buds. Not surprisingly he has been voted the BEST EATER and BEST Sleeper of the bunch…..yet more proof that he is indeed the son of Timmy/Mark Cline.

The young is now laying low in preparation for another busy whirl round the social circuit this upcoming weekend.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Rumour Has It ..You've Missed Me!

Okay obsessive fans...after a prolonged summer hiatus...the Timbit Times are back in production...Loafy Oafy maman has been too damned exhausted in these sticky sicky sky high temps trying to keep up to Speedy Sammy to even try and entertain writing something remotely noteworthy.
Sam Man Recconnects With His Gal Pal Savannah

Sammy and Savannah Beatin' 'Da Heat

Tiny Timbit has ballooned into a honey crueller/ jelly donut (take your pick). He has definetely filled out. Mark is now quite insecure over the fact that my biceps are double the size of his as a result of my Timbit Weight Workout regime. The 15.5 month old is yet to take his first official 'hands free' step. I have been told by countless people that our lives 'ARE OVER' once the kidlet starts walking but man my back and arms are ready for the ambling to start..... I read in the paper that man evolved from crawling on hands and knees in order to conserve energy...I am convinced that Sammy is not up marching as of yet because A) his huge cranium prevents him from balancing properly and B) He won't be able to consume the same crazy level of umpteen million calories per day once he 'gets his walk on'. Anyhoo, the boy is plenty adept at getting anywhere and everywhere he pleases and seems in no hurry. You can catch him standing on his own every once in a whilst oblivious to the fact that he is unsupported.

Sammy Social is has definetely become more yappy happy over the past few weeks. He is quite entertained just sitting and reading/ chat to himself for considerable chunks of time. We have fostered a bit of a cute (albeit sometimes tedious habit) in teaching the little man how to raise a toast and say cheers when he drinks. Now whenever the Sam Man is ingesting a beverage, anyone in plain view must be ready to raise a glass to Sammy Sipper.

Timbit- the social animal has torn up the social circuit this summer- yet another excuse for the slack summer reporting. Sam Man is in for another action packed weekend which we vow to report on promptly now that we are back on gear.

One sad note to report...the next few entries maybe a little lacking and unsubstancial in the pictoral/photo department.....me in my wisdom went and put the camera through the wash a few weeks back...I am now having to rub my pennies together to save for a new one!!

On behalf of Sir Timbit we want to convey a HUGE thanks to our crazy loyal fans....because of you Timbit Times is BACK online!