Tales of Timbit

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Out N' About

Sammy Off to a SOLID Start

Sammy Social spent the better part of last week getting out n' about meeting and greeting more of his fans. On Tuesday we paid a visit to Penny and Dave so Timbit and his dad could hookup their computer. Despite their combined brainpower and I/T wizardry, they were not able to do the set up due to the problem of a broken monitor. The outing at least served as an excuse for the Wee Wun to score some extra playtime.

Poor Timbit's teeth have been driving him bonkers so the days have been little long as of late. Two new fangs are threatening to pierce their way through his top gums. On Wednesday, Daddy and Maman escaped downtown to see The Hip play whilst Timbit stayed at home to entertain Nana and Uncle Mikey. Sadly, the poor guy screamed his guts out -Nana chalked the sadness up to his torturous teeth but I think it was more a result of his maman's absence. The sobby screaming session seems to have seriously squelched any potential parenting aspirations on the part of Uncle Mikey.
Auntie Jane and Uncle Bob paid a surprise visit to chart the NOT so Little Man's mega growth spurt since their innagugral visit back when Tiny Timbit was a mere 2 weeks old. Thursday, we trekked back up the subway line on to visit with Lynny for our inaugral visit. Timbit has discovered his voice and was quite amusing belting out lots of amusing yells and 'tunes' for us to enjoy....thankfully he seems to be able to carry a little more of a melodic tune than his tone deaf maman.

Long Overdue Visit With GREAT Aunt Lizard

The weekend was a fairly quiet one for the Little Man. We braved a wild weekend visit to Ikea. Timbit policed our shopping to ensure we didn't go overboard in the spending department to conserve so to have ample disposable denaros to spend on Timbit for his first X-mas. Project Manager Timbit then spent the rest of the afternoon supervising his dad's construction of our Ikea goods.

It was then to bed early as the Wee Wun acclimatized his inner clock to the Time Change.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Teething and Other Trials and Tribulations

Psyching Dad Up For Halloween
Mister Maturity has managed to push out two bottom teeth with 2 more cutting there way through his top tender gums. The Little Lad has been quite a good sport given the fact that he had sharp dagger teeth pushing through his poor swollen gums-and ambesol has been a god sent to help fend off the suffering Tuesday we were honoured by a visit from Pops and Hot Shot Producer-Uncle Mikey. Timbit gave his Uncle some much valued constructive criticism on Dragons Den. He has insisted that he be allowed to appear on next season’s show to pitch his brainiac ideas. Timbit cannot divulge too many details about his latest proprietory idea. He is quite confident that his idea- the Bottomless Bottle-designed to satiate growing babies and their voracious appetites -will garner lots of interest from the panel of Dragons.

The week was chalked full of visits with friends and other Sam fans. Tuesday Sammy attended his second yoga class. Timbit pushed himself so hard that he pass out cold on his yoga mat halfway through class. He is slowly building his stamina to be able to stand on his BIG head. Wednesday we headed downtown to stroll through Yorkville so Timbit could get a jump start on formulating his wish list to Santa. Sadly our outing was cut short once I was enlightened to the fact that I had forgotten Sammy’s bottles at home. The poor Starving Sammy proceeded to scream the majority of the return trip home on the Danforth line. Due to this act of sheer stupidity and carelessness, I managed to lose my nomination for Maman of the Year. Thursday night Mandy and Jason came ventured over for dinner to celebrate the news of the impending arrival of their new baby- due in May. The Sam Man is going to have such a great gaggle of pals to hang with over the coming months with all of the new kidlets brewing.

Friday, Sir Sammy reunited with his gal pals – Savannah, Jen, and Auntie Mo. We strolled over to Leslieville to visit at Jen and Savannahs fab new pad. It was like Christmas morning as Sam was free to sample and test drive all of Savannah’s new toys. He was particularly thrilled with her souped up Exersaucer! We then got to witness Savannah pose for her photo shoot with Frank the photographer. Sam was a wee jealous at not being centre stage and the prime target of the camera so he proceeded to pass out for the majority of the afternoon. We then reunited with Auntie Schmelly for the evening to take in some flicks and mow down some ‘za. Due his ongoing suffering from the teething, Sam Man was a wee out of sorts and tested out his lungs with some serious screams and shrieks- the little lad certainly does not suffer in silence. My heart totally goes out to the poor guy in this torturous and traumatic teething period.

Courtney and Jack Debate Who is Sam's #1 Cousin

(Sammy of course NEVER Plays Favorites)

Sammy was quite grateful for the arrival of the weekend as he was granted a welcome breather from his ‘rents. Saturday, Pops and Martha came over to babysit whilst his parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle and cuzzies headed to see Wicked. Sadly Sammy was shut out of the show as the tix were purchased 6 months B.T (before Timbit) . His jealousy over not being able to take in the play was quickly squelched given the opportunity to frolic and ‘fire it up’ with Pops and Martha for the afternoon. He was then reunited with his cuzzies and Grandma and Grandpa on the home front. Timbit eagerly listened to the rave reviews for Wicked from hen bopped along to the soundtrack in his exersaucer before calling it a night. Sunday, Sam Man again took a breather from his doting parents. After having successfully shipped his parents off, Sammy got to hang with soon to be mommy Jen for the afternoon. Sam Man was rumoured to have been on his best behaviour so to boost Jen’s excitement re: becoming a new mom. We closed out the weekend with another visit from Pops and Martha. Sammy sat on the sidelines whilst the rest of feasted on Indian delites. The boy was frothing at the mouth with jelousy watching the rest us devour the curry, naan, and paneer. We have decided it is now time to let the maturing lad sample his first taste of solids.
Sammy Teaches Pops a Lesson About Sharing His Toys

We have whipped up a batch of muchos mashed and mushed carrots and are set to let the food ‘fly’ this week. Stay tuned for an update this week as the Adventurous Aficionado takes his first stab at solids.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

They're HOOKED!

Tiny Timbit Joins His Fellow Fans As They Get Their Weekly Fix of the Hottest New Show on Television

Dragon's Den Airs Wednesday Nights 8 PM on CBC

Monday, October 16, 2006

'Ruffin It' Up North

Family Bonding in the 'Wilderness' of the Muskokas

Well t'was yet another 'action packed' weekend for Tiny Timbit as we launched into a whirlwind weekend. Before heading out of the city, Timbit/ Don Juan played the chilvarous 'host with the most' to three lovely ladies here on the homefront. Auntie Mo arranged for us to rendez vous with Jen and her baby Savannah over some gourmet Swiss Duck. The Timbit was quite pleased to flaunt his seniority and show off his mature mat tricks and exersaucer stunts to younger Savannah who is a whole 2 months his junior.

Entertaining the Ladies is Exhausting!

After an exhausting afternoon of entertaining and eating, the Timbit, in tow with his 'rents, trekked up north to visit the Fenton's as well along with a giant gaggle of other guests. This was Timbit's second visit up to Riley Lake -having already visited the cottage when he was a mere 3 weeks young. Needless to say he was quite the HIT, showing off his maturity and bubbly personality to the gang. Despite his love for the water, the young lad was sage and decided to steer clear of swimming in the freezing frigid lake. Sammy witnessed his nutty (albeit brave) father wade int the insanely cold water as he helped to extract a raft from the lake. Sammy opted to spend most of the weekend napping and lounging by the wood fireplace whilst sipping from his beloved bottle. There was a grand total of 17 of us bunking in at the 3 bedroom cottage for the weekend. Given VIP Timbit's 'New Kid On the Block' status, we scored a bed/bedroom to ourselves whilst the rest of the guests had to scramble for floor, coach and tent sleeping space. Saturday night, Sir Sammy retired early to bed to score some valued beauty rest.

Supervising Dad's Unpacking Job

Sunday we zoomed back to the Big Smoke so Timbit's maman could attend a Thai cooking course in the afternoon. The Wee Wun has his fingers crossed that his mom will be able to master some half decent green curry by the time he starts on solids. He and his papa were glad to be able to chalk up some macho male bonding for the afternoon and unwind from the 'stressful' weekend of sleeping, eating, and chillin'.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Namaste and Happy Short 'Work' Week

In order to recover from his hectic holidy weekend of entertaining and eating, Tiny Timbit embarked on a new regime of weekly yoga class . We attended our first class on Tuesday which is thankfully located just across the street at Wooedbine and Danforth. The little guy took to the class like a n elastic band stretching and showing off his downward dog and child's poses. It was a good way to get out and meet some other local kidlets with whom to hang and get to know Feeling quite zen and relaxed from the session and managed to K.O. for the better part of the afternoon.

We then headed out West to Bloor and Spadina to hook up with Auntie Schmelly for a long overdue visit to wish her a belated Happy Birthday. The Sam Man was most disciplined and steered clear of all of the java offerings in favour of his beloved bottle. We learned all about the joys of Auntie Schmelly's plum new Montessori posting. The Little Lad is now couting down the days until school starts.

Reunion with Auntie Scmelly

We then roared over on the super stuffed streetcar to meet Daddy for dinner at Ghandi Roti. Sammy was able to delight in the smells and hustle bustle of Ghandi's 'ecclectic' atmosphere but was sadly shut out from sampling the roti. He was anxious and antsy over not being able to sink his gums into the delightful doughy stuffed treats but we reassured the little that soon enough he too would be able to sample some of the Indian delites.

Aficionados Checking Out the Queen West Arbour Art

Thursday marked the final day of our stroller class in The Beach. It has been a nice routine to march down to the Boardwalk to get some welcome fresh air and meet other local kidlets. Sammy is defintetly the most vocal of all the babies and loves to test his vocal chords and battle with the instructor for control of the class. As if the stroller fit class was not workout enough, we came home to find a fabulous new addition to the Wee Wun's rapidly expanding home gym. Nana had picked up an Exersaucer which spurred squeals of delight and an exertive afternoon of pure cardio. I have a feeling it is going to be a long while before the novelty of this new addition wears off.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Gobble Gobble to Terrific Turkey Times

Sam Man has once again chalked up a week packed o' action and cheap and cheerful thrills. The wee man is getting ever bigger and stronger by the milisecond. He has now taken to tugging and tuslling with my hair any chance that he can. This past week, Nana and I have been working to get his room spruced up a bit so to make it a wee less chaotic looking. The Wee Wun is on tap for some new curtains and a freshly painted chest of drawers.

Thursday we made our visit to the beach for Strollerfit for our weekly workout. The Sam Man coaxed and pushed me extra hard this week in order to make some room in my belly for Thanksgiving eats and treats.

Wiped and Worn Out from his Weekly Workout

Friday we packed up and headed to St. Catharines so Sam Man could visit the 'rellies' whilst Mark and I attended Rob and Win's wedding in Hammertown. There was definetely no room for boredom whilst bunking in with Grandma and Grandpa. The Wee Wun was thrilled by visits from his cuzzies Katy, Court, and Jack. I am not even sure that he even noticed our absence given his demanding schedule of schmoozing and entertaining his fans.

On Sunday, we buzzed back to St. Catharines to reunite with the Sam Man unday marked Sammmy's inaugural Thanksgiving dinner. The weekend marked Super Sammy's third time away from his maman and yet again the young lad braved his overnight with minimal/ zero separation anxiety. Grandma valiantly prepped a hearty and yummy Thanksgiving feast to devour and enjoy. Bound and determined not to pack on any extra holiday weight, the regimented and disciplined Sammy steered clear of the big feast and opted instead to undertake a rigourous workout of arm circles and 'running' on his mat. Boy did I ever feel guilty stuffing away the pumpkin pie while the little man steered clear of temptation and perservered withhis gruelling workout.

Sammy gives thanks and learns about his hardworking forefathers who laboured so dilligently to allow him his life of leisure and PLENTIFUL food supply

It was then time to retire back to T.O. to enjoy a quiet holiday Monday of clean up and chillaxin. After having survived one too many rides in our pig sty of a car, Sammy prodded his papa 'into action' to clean, scrub and clear out the car. Papa was awarded a huge gold star for his efforts and Sam is now proud and willing to be seen riding in daylight.