Tales of Timbit

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Music Man Sam Makes His Debut

Sammy Social has spent another week swirling his way round the social circuit. Sammer (aka Crazy Hair Lady) paid a surprise visit en route from Victoria to Dar Es Salaam. Sam Man was thrilled to be able to show off his latest and greatest tricks, treats and teeth that he has sprouted since her last visit in September. Timbit was a wee disappointed that Sammer (Sr.) failed to tote back an elephant, warthog, zebra or other African pet friend to play with and he is now hoping Santa will fill the bill for a new pet.

Sam Sr. Surprises Sam from Tanzania

Wednesday marked the first day of Sammy ‘singing debut at music class. We’ve signed up for a 4 week special music class for kids up to 10 months. One of Timbit’s yoga baby bud’s Phinn convinced us to partake in the singing sessions. Sam Man was quite sweet to humour and tolerated his tone deaf maman as I hummed and hawed my way through the class with the 10 other kidlets. Music Man Sam is now contemplating going on tour after mastering his repetore of songs. He is scoping out the abilities of the other classmates to suss out whom he might recruit to back him up on vocals.

Do you like American Music? I like American Music!

Sam Man took advantage of the nice temps and sunshine for the remainder and we strolled up the Danforth with Phinn and his mom Erin . We headed to the Big Carrot to scoop up some fresh organic veggies for the Sammy to sample. The man has developed quite the impressive palate having added an impressive listing of eats to his diet: kale, sweet potato, zucchinni, chickpeas, butternut squash, and oatmeal. I am shy to introduce meat as of yet for fear that he will develop into a flesh hungry carnivore like his daddy. We then strolled back east along the Danforth for a java date at this new little funky café Niche up at Greenwood. In the past 8 weeks we have been blessed with the opening up of not one but TWO neat coffee stops along our emerging growth strip of the Danforth. Hords of socially starved new moms now flock to these new venues in search of social interaction and an outlet to field questions/ frustrations and fulfill their java/stamina needs to propel them through the day.

Friday, we set off the Roncesvales for Timbit’s weekly rubdown at with Heather at Healthy Beginnings. He has become quite fond of the weekly ritual in order to relieve the stress and tension of his daily escapades of growing, eating, sleeping, and eating. Ohhh to have to sholder the stresses of a 6 month old. Friday night, Timbit was left to bond with ‘the boys’ watching hockey and swigging back bottles while I whisked out for the evening.

Sammy Stakes Out Busy Bee Midwife Melinda

The weekend was jammed with lots of action. Saturday we stormed up the Danforth again and made our weekly visit to Grassroots to scoop up some chlorine free diapers for Sir Sammy. We stumbled into Ms. Melinda who has been in hiding since the summer. Sammy listened intently to al of her tales of her recent visit to Nunavit and is now pumped to make his first trip up to the North to see his first polar bear.

Sammy and His Fellow Sports Fans

Sunday, we headed up to Orangeville to visit Super Nana, and the Illick Clan. Avid hockey buff Timbit got to watch both Charlie and Katie shine on the ice for their respective hockey matches. Timbit brought showered the teams with his good luck and good karma with both of them chalking up a win. Sammy is now eager to strap on the skates after having been immersed in hockey crazed culture of Orangeville. After fuelling up with some of Super Nana’s infamous date squares and ginger snaps, we sped back to T.O. to meet up with Grandma and Grandpa as Timbit had finally convinced his Grandma to come and hang with him in T.O. for a few days. Tuckered Timbit then retired to his crib after his tiring tour.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Timbit Adds More Fans to His Busting Supporter List

Snug A Bug in His Snowsuit
Wednesday, we were blessed with a visit from proud expectant parents- Adel and Nahid who were super sweet to shower us with yummy Middle Eastern/ Greek food for dinner. (We really have to stop milking this 'struggling new parents' act and put and end to all of the charity and freebies flowing in from all adoring Sam Fans. Sweet Sammy has allowed us to ride in cruise control with all of the aid and help that has flooded in over the past few months). Adel and Nahid are set to welcome a new kidlet in December another new pal for Timbit to add to his expanding circle o' friends. Sammy was in fine spirts and helped to fuel the excitement of the 'proud parents to be' to welcome their wee wun in a few short weeks.

Timbit Tempts Adel with a Taste of Papahood

Thursday night, I was banished from the house whilst Timbit, Mark, and Uncle Mikey indulged in some 'boy bonding' in its purest form- a of watching watching hockey, eating pizza and drinking beer. Fortunately Sammy was sage enough to take a pass at the beer and pizza and stuck to the bottle of formula. Despite still being totally engrossed with 'the bottle', the young man is developing quite the sophisticated and exciting palate. So far, he has added squash, carrots, sweet 'taters, and chickpeas to his diet. He has embraced the spoon as friendly utensil and now reaches out to guide the spoon into his mouth during a feeding. He is hoping to progress to some carnivourous offerings soon ...with the hopes of indulging in some 'bird' at X-mas time.

Friday, the stressed out Sam Man went for another rub down with Heather- his massage therapist. The boy is totally hooked on the rush of endorphins and zen feelings that rushing through his body after his massages and is now signed up for treatments until mid December. The boy is set to fend off any poential stress and tension from the busy holiday season.
Saturday, Timbit finally got to hook up with and intro himself to Samuel (Sr.) Sam Johnston and Lyn. They came over for an afternoon visit and showered the Wee Wun with a load of loot including two of my favorite muppet characters- Beeker and Fozzie Bear. Tiny Timbit has since been very vigilant with his new toys to ensure that his envious maman doesn't steal them out from under him. Sam Senior is now proposing Timbit be the topic for his next art school project ....stay tuned for more details on 'A Day in the Life of Sammy C'.

Sam Senior and Small Sam Unite Forces

We spent the rest of the afternoon 'tearing up' the Danforth with trips up to the Carrot Common and then up to Canadian Tire for some ever exciting purchases of diapers and other sundry items. We then made a final stop at Beanies- one of the funky new java joints here in 'the hood' to suss out a jewellery show put on by our neighbour Tara. Sammy was all smiles with all of the attendees adding a whack of new admirers to his fan list.

Sunday was an exciting day as we got to meet 'New Kid on the Block' Baby Julia who was born Novemeber 13th. Stallion Sammy jumped all over the opportunity to 'score' popularity points with the new little lady. Timbit was most charming and chivalrous ensuring that Julia garnered the majority of the spotlight with her debut appearance for most of the guests although he still commanded a lot of attention with all of his priceless smiles and giggles. It was hard to believe that Tiny Timbit was just a small as the 7.5 pound Julia less than six months ago!! Time flies when your a growing boistorous boy. We trekked home after a marathon afternoon/evening after making a last and loving first impression with the new little lady.

The Timbit continues to add more and more sounds, screams, caws and hollers to his growing baby vocabulary. His giggle and loud laugh continues to become more and more animated. He seems to have inherited a combination of both his maman and papa's evil cackly chuckles.

Superman Sam sure does a great job at keeping his parents amused with more and tricks and treats as the weeks progress. The Mini Man is quite the treat!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Social Sammy Does the Circuit

Timbit Kicks Back After His Whirlwind Week

Tis been a whirlwind week for the wee wittle wun and his chalked full social calendar. Thursday, Timbit stayed look after home front whilst Mom and Dad jaunted out for Mark’s birthday dins. Tired and Teething Timbit was less than impressed to have been left behind and apparently screamed out his frustrations for babysitters Mandy and Jason. T’was a nice practice run for the proud parents to be to soothe the seriously stressed and sore Sammy.

After his ‘stressful’ work week, we trekked out to High Park so the wee lad could unwind for an hour massage at Healthy Beginnings. The Wee Wun was all too happy with the rub down to soothe him of his tensions before kicking off the weekend. Saturday we travelled the Danforth to scoop up goodies for Mark’s b-day festivities on Saturday night. Sam Man was pretty zonkered from all of the fresh air and didn’t manage to make it to the birthday party hour. The party centred around Totally 80’s Trivial Pursuit- so Tiny Timbit would have been at a serious disadvantage given that the content was ¼ century before ‘his time’.

On Sunday, we whisked out to Oakville for a baby shower for Janis and Yoel who are expecting their Wee Wun in January. Superstar Sammy was on his best behaviour and amused the crowd with his caws, smiles and giggles. As per always, Kiersten had prepared a feast fit for royalty. The little boy did his part in stoking the excitement of the parents to be with his stellar decorum. Of course all good things come to an end and the overtired partygoer had a major meltdown on the car ride home....Man does he ever know how to break his parents’ heart with his desperate screams. We finally made it home so the Pooped Partygoer could inhale a bottle and then retire to bed.

Monday was another important ‘First’ for Tiny Timbit – as it was Sam’s first election experience. The Wee Wun dutifully accompanied his parents to the voting polls so to witness them exercise their democratic right. Sammy got to ‘stretch the rules’ by helping his dad vote. After a careful analysis of the candidate pool, Sammy helped his dad cast his ballot for his preferred mayoral and city counsellor candidates. Sammy is now expecting big things from David Miller for his second mandate.

Sammy and Dad Head to the Polls

Tuesday, Tiny Timbit was anything but zen and quiet and endured some rather rough patches as the Wee Wun prepares to sprout some more teeth. My heart goes out to the guy with his burning red crimson cheeks from his troublesome teeth. Timbit struggled through yoga before passing out for a long overdue nap. We then strolled down to the funky new java joint in our hood called Niche for a sanity break with one of the other Zen Mamans and her little boy Phinn who is just a week younger than Sam. It is quite cute to see Sammy scope out and interact with other kidlets.

We then scooted home to meet up with Nana who came down to help out with the garden and finally finish up his new dresser. Martha Jordan popped over for dinner to finally meet up with Sir Sammy for her innaugral visit. Sammy was a saint and entertained us while we slurped down a sushi feast. Despite having started on solids, Sammy had to skip out on the fine offerings but is keen and eager to soon savour his first sampling of sashimi.

Tuckered Timbit Refuels From His Week with a Super Siesta

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy

Timbit 'Ties One On' To Celebrate Dad's '25th' Birthday

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Countdown to Dad's B-Day

Sammy Steals the Spotlight With Grandma and Grandpa

T'is been another exciting week in the wacky wonderful world o’ the Sam Man. Saturday we trekked up to Canadian Tire so Sammy and Daddy could get a jump on constructing their X-mas wish list. Daddy eagerly led prodigal son Timbit over to the tool section for a crash course on building the perfect workshop. The exercise turned into quite the brainwashing mission on Dad's part with Mark working to convince Timbit to put a joiner, router, and chop saw high atop of his wishlist to Santa. After the C-Tire outing, we rolled home to retire over some Indian delights.....poor Timbit had to settle for his plain jane mashed carrot puree while watching his parents indulge in fabulously flavourful mali kofta and chana masala. The Wee Wun has vowed to sink his little teeth into some yummy Indian cuisine before chalking up his first birthday.
Sammy brags of his stellar behaviour and latest tricks and talents to Grandma
(the race is on to chalk up lots of brownie points before X-mas)
Sunday, Grandma and Grandpa ventured into T.O. to ‘celebrate Daddy’s birthday’ (although we all know the true reason for their visit was to lay some more love on Tiny Timbit). Birthday Boy Daddy elected to go to Jack Astors for dinner where the Wee Wun got to test out his new Big Boy booster seat. Again, the Little Lad was shut out of the offering of good eats and had to settle for his Old Faithful formula. After another big day, the Tired Timbit faded early and chalked up a solid night’s sleep to ensure a good kick start to the brand new week.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Timbit Chalks Up a Happy Halloween

Little Stinker Makes His Debut

The Little Stinker survived his first Hallows Eve experience in one piece. He made quite a splash at yoga in his skunk outfit despite having been mistaken for a panda by a handful of unperseptive onlookers. Despite being awarded the Best Dressed Award for his costume, The Sam Man was none too interested in calming his mind or seeking out any zen like feelings for most of the class. Surely put off by the freakish buzz of Halloween, Timbit spent the better part of the yoga hour sobbing against his maman before passing out for the rest of the class.
Diligent Sammy spent the rest of the afternoon helping his Nana fill her orders and attend to her business affairs. Sammy predicts Nana's sales would skyrocket once he be allowed to accompany her on her sales calls. The aspiring Material Man is driving a hard bargain and insisting on a 80/20 split on all new business!

Timbit in Negotiations With Nana to Help Drive Sales Numbers

Despite a rough yoga class, the Wee Wun stuck to his health kick regime and settled down to a nutricious dinner of mashed carrots. Sammy was very timely in sprouting his new teeth in time for Halloween so to sport the perfect Jack O-Lantern smile.

Who Needs Face Paint When You Got Mashed Carrots?

Caught Red Handed Handed with Hand in the Candy Bowl!

After greeting a handful of eager trick or treaters, Tiny Timbit retired for the evening filled with dreams and wonderment as to what to dress up as for next year??

Wednesday we made a jaunt down the Danforth before meeting Daddy for lunch. Sam Man has made quite the splash with the local merchants so any appearances made by the little man spur lots of excitement. We then bopped downtown to meet dad for lunch. Our baby crazy server fell instantly in love with Sweet Sammy and insisted on hanging out with the lad for the entire lunch hour. The Wee Wun was an angel thrilling the lunch crowd with his smiles and budding baby vocabulary. The boys were then left to bond for the remainder of the lunch hour while I jotted off to do a few errands. Daddy brilliantly rigged up the Baby Bjorn under his suit jacket and paraded the boy around the city core. It was then home again where the Sam Man relished in some downtime after his cruisey afternoon.