Tales of Timbit

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Age Inappropriate Toys

What Kind of Parents Would Let Their Child
Play Air Guitar With A Chainsaw?

Sammy has since been warned that he will NOT be allowed to operate his chainsaw without sporting his safety goggles.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Spills, Thrills and Teething Torture

Teething Bites!!
Teeter Tottering Timbit has been bopping and along at a torrid pace.....The poor battered boy has taken quite the beating over past week having taken a handful of impressive tumbles and splats, booms, bashes and crashes on a multitude of hard surfaces.....We have been trying our damndest to set up cozy comfy padded spaces for the monkey to sprawl out on but the boy is insistent on squirmning his way off on to the cold hard floor. Solid Sam Man has become quite resilient at bouncing back from some impressive spills and wipe outs without any major grief or drama....he definitely inherited his mamans high tolerance for pain.

Timbit Woos and Wows His Latest Lady Crush

Tuesday we bombed off 'up north' to Richmond Hill to meet up with brand spanking newbie 4 week old Shoshona Berznoger. The young lad cranked up the charm for the little lady so to make a splashy premier impression. Sam Man was most patient and supportive for our second ever driving outing. I was rather white knuckled but we managed to sail up north and back again sans drama and the car in one piece. After logging a long drawn out day, Timbit was ditched by his parents who were invited to watch the taping of Uncle Mikey's new show Canada's Next Prime Minister (to air March 18th on CBC). The adoring everfescent Tracey was signed up to hang with Sir Sammy while Mark and I took off to watch the taping. The Snubbed and Slighted Sammy was none too impressed to be left out of 'the action' and proceeded to howl, scream, bawl, and then puke before passing out for the his crushed (but compassionate companion Tracey (we are hoping to god we haven't burned our bridges for future babysitting dates).

After a night of sweet slumber, the diligent Timbit logged half a day at the AAL office on Wednesday morning in order to earn a bit of pocket change. Busy Bee then scooted off to his beloved music class where the Sam Man and his fellow child prodigies were given the green light to pound away at the 'Big Daddy' kettle drum untap their reservoirs of creative energy. The boy is now obsessed with beating and hammering away at any hard surface to practice his percussion. Thursday, Book Worm Boy finished up his final session at his library program. The program definetely sparked his voracious appetite for books...literally...the boy was more keen on eating the books than actually reading or singing from them. Thursday afternoon Sammy got got to catch up with his elder pals Matthew, Claire, and their ma Kendra. It was good to catch up with this gang who are long time residents of 'our hood'. Sam Man went to town 'test driving' all of their toys and fawning over the family feline...he is now counting down the days 'til he is showered with his very own putty tat.

Friday we headed back down to 'the mothership' for a week's end wrap up session with the Armitage Associates crowd. Sammy was left to consult with the Boss Man whislt his maman slipped out for lunch. Sam Man and his Proud Pops embarked upon a hard core training program -board room table aerobics and board room table shuffle board. Sammy has now mastered the coveted art of sliding, spinning and shooting coasters accross the table.

The weekend was highlighted with a visit from Grandma and Grandpa who swooped in to chillax with Sweet Sammy. Sam Man dismissed his parents for the evening in order to garner full and complete attention from his fans.

Fuelling Up on ZZz's before a Sizzling Saturday Night

The Teething Timbit took Sunday out to relax and tend to his aching gums. For most of the week, the poor man has resembled pie-eyed lush with his crimson red cheeks and the puddles of drool dripping from his aching gums. Brave Boy has managed to push through 2 more chompers on the top and is now the proud owner of 6 pearly whites. The boy has become quite the proficient and independant eater as a result of these new cutting and sawing instruments.

We are now waiting for the boy to finally 'make a move' on all fours...he has been teasing us with his rocking motions but has yet to bolt off into a full crawl. He is most interested in standing and pulling himself up...which is outright terrifying...Despite wanting to see the boy progress and thrive, I am hoping that the boy takes his sweet time before taking his first step...I have assured him there is absolutely NO rush.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day Love Sweet Suave Sammy

Cutie Cupid Sends Lots O' Love For Valentines Day

Monday, February 12, 2007

On Da Move..

Chillaxin with Da Dames

T'was a lovely dovely weekend of chillaxin and just hangin'. Schmelly ventured out EAST to visit and join us on our weekly stroll down the Danforth. As per Timbit's request, we scooped up some new foods to try out. The wee lad's voracious appetite has forced me to devote A LOT more time in the kitchen than to which I am accustomed. Sophisticated Sammy is now enjoying the likes of quinoa, millet, turnip, and ricotta and due to his father's influence he is a BIG fan of every/all forms of carbohydrates. Sunday, the Sam Man was treated to a visit by his grandparents who scooted at high speeds down the QEW to visit with their favorite Torontonian Timbit. The boys were left to play hosts with the most whilst I disappeared for an indulgent afternoon of shopping on Bloor street.

Timbit kicked back with a pretty low key week. Mark made a guest appearance at music class on Wednesday. Sammy was thrilled to have both parents in tow but I think Mark was most pleased to be able to spend an hour with a roomful of mmmarvelous mommies.

Freshening Up After His Intesive Workout

Sammy fired up some royal hospitality on Sunday playing hosts to his proud pops, Kali, and Uncle Mikey. Pops went to town and pulled off this amazing spread of mmmega meat chile, bread, and of course beer. Abstainer Veg Head Sammy steered clear of the carnivorous feast and opted instead for a quacky of veggie delights and his bottle. It was then SHOWTIME and the Sam Man displayed his latest flip flop/ yoga routines to his fans. Despite not being able to crawl, the boy has become quite proficient at moving to whatever he sets his sights on. Rolling and doing 'the worm' seem to be his favorite methods of transportation. At 22 pounds (and growing) crawling is not exactly the easiest or most desirable way to haul oneself around. After resisting cracking open the playpen, I think I am going to have to crack 'the jailhouse' out just to have an area to allow the man to safely roll and romp without banging himself up.

No words to speak of (literally) yet...although I know he is just busting at the seems to declare his first attempt of "I love my maman"....Stay Tuned!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Locked Out and Nowhere to Go

Cookie Monster Includes All Major Food Groups For His Picnic Feast

Despite the frigid Feb climate, Timbit has been quite creative in keeping himself engaged and entertained. We have still been making a habit of getting out everyday to shake off the cobwebs and get some oxygen pumping to the brain.

Monday, Elaine ventured over for a long overdue catch up session. Squirmy Wormy Sammy impressed her with his twisty topsy turvey routine and extensive vocabulary of coo's caws, goos and gaws. Tuesday, Uncle Mikey and Nana came over for their weekly catch up and demo of Superman's latest stunts.
Sammy Catches Up With Long Lost Lady Elaine

Wednesday, Music Man started his new music class with Clappping Land. The hippy trippy name of the class is quite indicative of its whimsical wacky nature. Despite looking like she just disembarked from the Peace Train, Sophia, the instructor is amazing! She led Sammy and 18 other kidlets through an hour of dancing and playing with drums, marrocas, and all sorts of other percussion instruments. After an hour of frenzied activity, Sammy was more than ready to crash out in his stroller for the long stroll home just before the real drama and saga of the day began...... soooooooooooooo before we rushed off for music class, I neglected to ensure that I had both my house key and wallet. It wasn't until we were steps away from returning home that I realized I had locked myself out with NO wallet....not so smart on a day with a minus 25 degree windchill. With Nana's help, we tracked down Daddy at work who was able to come and save us whilst we sought refuge in the library......Tough Man Sam was able to take the whole ordeal in stride and snoozed through most of the drama (whilst his maman had a near emotional meltdown and muchos panic attack). I am now seeking out ways to have my key surgically attached to my hand to prevent a repeat performance.

Thursday, the budding literary buff made a return appearance at his library group. The little man has not quite tuned into the fact that the library is generally a place for quiet downtime. Whilst most of his fellow storytimers were engaged with the lap rhymes and storytime, Crazy Cline was busy bopping and hopping all over the place. He is a nonstop ball o' energy and vigor these days and is more than please to show off to any willing audience. Despite his wavering attention span, Sammy seems to get a kick out of the other kids and welcomes the change of scenery and the opportunity to chomp down on some of the delectable storybooks.

Rubber Ducky Models His New Rain Gear

Timbit closed out his tough work week with a visit from Larissa. It's been a while since we all caught up. Spoiled Sammy was delighted to be showered with some more X-mas gifts which included this adorable yellow rain slicker. He is now pumped to find some flash rubber boots to round out his rain gear. It's quite scary how the coat, sized for 18-24 month yr olds, fits his robust figure. It's big enough that he should still fit into it come spring time and so Singing Star Sammy can treat us all to a rendition of 'Singin' In the Rain'. We mowed down a mountain of Thai food b4 mellowing out for a LOW key evening. We are almost at the tail end of our TV free week...has been quite interesting/healthy to dial out the boob tube for a full week...surprisingly daddy has not gone into shock from network t.v. withdrawl...The Whirling Dirvish Timbit has provided more than enough input and stimulation to fill our entertainment needs.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

22 Pounds and Still Very Much In Expansion Mode

T'was a lazy low key week mostly indoors with the mercury dipping to some nippy low levels.
Sunday we zoomed off to Markham to visit 6 week old Baby Jacob and his proud parents Adel and Nahid. Senior Sammy was quite excited to test drive Jacob's fly new toys to ensure they were up to snuff' and in proper working order. The grown ups gorged on a huge feast of Ghandi Roti whilst the poor little boys felt jilted having to sit on the sidelines whilst we inhaled our wraps of goodness.

Senior Sammy Makes a Splash with Newbie Pal Jacob

Timbit kicked off his work week with a visit from Nana and Uncle Mikey on Monday and then a quickie supper with Pops on Tuesday. Timbit regaled his fans with tales of his weekend and showed off his latest flipping and flopping moves on his mat....Mister Mover and Groover is making more and more threats to crawl but is still just teasing us with his creeping motions. Sam Man went to his 8 month doctor's appointment on Tuesday where he received a clean of bill of health and confirmation that he is at the top of the charts for both weight (22 pds) and cranium circumfrance (poor boy is plagued with his mamans BIG noggin).

Mister Maturity Pushes Out His Third Tooth

Wednesday Sammy got to reconnect with his pal Phinn who was fresh back from his trip visiting his 'rellies' in Ireland. I so admire these newbie parents who jet long haul flights with small babies. The logisitics and the stress would cause me to melt. Thursday was Literary Genius Sammy's first day at his Library program. The outing allowed us to meet other neighbourhood kidlets and experience a nice change o' scenery. Keener Sammy was quite keen to show off his clapping abilities that he had mastered his music class. To my amazement, there were 3 sets of twins attending the session in a group of 20 babies. How these poor parents juggle a pair of babies each and everyday is beyond me!! Don't get me wrong...I love the Tiny Timbit but I have no idea have no idea how these families manage juggling 2 babies at a time without losing their minds!!

Timbit Fires Up a Dinner Date With His Fan Club Groupies

Social Sammy closed out the work week with a visit from Monique. We sailed down to Sarah's for yummy lunch to warm our souls from the nippy weather. Sam Man hammed it up big time his fellow patrons. Our server was incredibly patient in cleaning up the large pile o' pita shredded up by Sammy the Gerbil whilst he chowed down.

Sammy then fired up his innaugral SUPERBowl weekend. Pops and Martha came over to nourish us sportsfans with some 'soul food' before we shoved for an exhilerating afternoon of making a dishwasher purchase and then heading out to Oakville for game time. T'is been quite the fruitful 2 weeks for the CLARMITAGE household with the family having scored both a washer/dryer and a new dishwasher...Timbit is now eagerly awaiting instruction on how to use these magical new assets so to dutifuly help his parents with the domestic duties. We then rolled out to visit the Kerr's who fired up quite the hospitality for Superbowl Sunday. Sammy was quite mesmerized by all of the fanfare and hooplala of game day. He did not disappoint his fans and entertained his fellow fans with lots of cheers, jeers, hoots, and hollers to fuel the game day excitement. He made a new friend in 10 month old Matthew who was also on hand for the Big Showdown. Matthew is a refreshingly large and solid baby who rivalled Sam Man in build and stature. Admittedly, Sam Man was more mesmerized with the big screen TV than with the actual game. Sammy was given the green light to stay out past his bedtime in order to watch Prince perform at the halftime show.

It was then curtain call and home to bed in order to fuel up for another high flyin' week o' adventure.