Tales of Timbit

Monday, March 26, 2007

Farm Fun and Frolic

The Little Man trekked up to The Valley for the weekend which helped to spur his spring fever. Creepy Crawler was most keen to rekindle his friendships with all of his farm pals. On previous visits, the little man has been rather non chalant aroud canine host Tipper Taylor....things have since changed...Sammy revelled in tustling and rolling around with his canine pal. Sam Man was most thrilled to whirl around the place sussing out his surroundings from a new perspective from down on all fours. Nana was most accomodating- lending out any and every kitchen utensil, pot and pan for Timbit to play and make beautiful music. The weekend was highlighted with lots of cultural outings out n' about the Beaver Valley including an extravagent dinner out to Pizza DEEElite...life is so much more exciting now that Sammy is able to launch his teeth into pizza and other solid sensations.

Playing Peekaboo w/ Papa Pete

The strapping young man has grown up so much. He is getting bigger by the day and is now sporting clothing sized for 2 year olds. He is most entertaining with his expanding vocabulary of coos, caws, hoots, and hollers...he is busy ramping up his motor skils in order to belt out his first ever proclamation...I love my MAMAN.

Senior Sammy and I inspected the daycare accross the street - Dearhearts. Sam Man worked the room introducing himself to all the kidlets ensuring they were 'up to snuff' and intellectually 'on par' with the young man. All of the stakeholders seem to check out and and TImbit has given the place the thumbs up. He is now on tap to spend Wednesdays and Thursdays with the Dearhearts gang. Daddy is signed up to do 'drop off' duty so to ease maman's heartbreak and separation anxiety. Timbit insists on being spared the humiliation of his mother blubbering and sobbing in front of his new pals.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Grooming the Gentle Giant

Sammy Fights Off Split Ends With His
Stringent Deep Conditioning Regime

March Breaking

March Break was anything but an excuse to loaf and lounge for Timbit on a Tear. The boy served up quite the hospitality for a whack o' fans and to all of his doting grandparents.

Monday, we chillaxed with Nana and lunched down at the Bus Terminal - the kitchy krazy restaurant down the street. Sam Man amused his fellow patrons and server staff with his cheeseball smiles and food tossing endeavours. Tuesday, the Grandparents-in-Waiting Trudy and Laird venutred over to visit and log some practice play before the arrival of their grandkidlet in May. Timbit scored some swanky oraganic bath goods and yet another stuffed puppy. Timbit's huge surplus of stuffed puppies has squelched any deep desires for aopting a real live canine friend anytime soon.

Friday, Sam Man logged yet another day at the office and then fired up some pre-Paddy's Day celebrations with his favorite blondes...Karen and Natalie. Timbit was well restrained steered clear of the Green Beer. He was more enamoured with the offering pizza and cheerios to help fuel the celebrations. After closing out the week with a bang, Grandma and Grandpa who roared over the Burlington Skyway to help the young man mark his firt Patrick's Day.
Move Over Stever Carell ...
Sammy stars in the LIVE version
of 'The Office'

Sunday, #1 loyal Nephew Sammy caralled the family in front of the big 'screen'/ sheet to watch Uncle Mikey's latest masterpiece- Canada's Next Great Prime Minister. Sam Man was impressed by the calibre of programming but was more than confident that he would have served as a much superior candidate. The political animal is now busy devising his platorm to launch his campaign for the next show..... I am urging him to skip the mock parliment and head straight to the political stage....Stephen Harper watch out.....Sam Man means business with his popular campaign to have mandatory afternoon siesta hour observed accross the nation.....His lobbying campaign is building some serious steam.

Our young man is growing up way too fast.... he crawling around exploring everything and anything and is most insistent on hauling himself up every piece of furniture, bucket, basket, aor anything he can get his head into.....I have some serious physical conditioning ahead of me if I have any hope in keeping up to this guy.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Creepy Crawling and Monkeying Around

After kicking off the week in the Big O/Orangeville, Sam Man scooted back in the blinding snow to his home turf to recover from the weekend and regroup for the gruelling work week.

Tuesday, Sarah S. came over for a pizza party with puppy dog Finn. Sammy delighted his guest with his newest moves and magic. The Little Engine that Could is finally crawling after weeks of hanging out on all fours with no locomotion. We are now scrambling to babyproof our pad as much as possible in order to fend off potential dramas/ disasters. The Toddling Timbit is now keen on pulling himself up on any and every inanimate and animate object within view.

Wednesday Sam Man got to hang out with Great Auntie Pat and her pup while I (finally) got my haircut. Sammy has adopted a pretty non chalant/ WHATEVA attitude to all of the puppy dog pals he has encountered over the past week. Again, Sammy was much more intent on shredding magazines and newspapers than interacting with his canine host. We then bopped off to music class so the Petit Percussionist could make beautiful music with his pals.
Sam Man Chillaxes With Great Auntie Pat + Pup

James swooped in for a surprise visit for a crazy overdue catch up. Sam Man him James in on the latest neighbourhood sagas and dramas of newest toddler friends whilst James regalled us with tales of his trips to China and Fernie. It was then off to swimming for Sammy's last hurrah at his swim class at Earl Beatty. Eager Beaver has signed up again for the next session swim but is switching to Leaside pool in order to 'take the plunge' with his splash pal Julia.

Timbit went on quite the tear around the weekend social circuit. Saturday, the boys headed off for some hard core playtime with a gaggle of dads and kidlets at Fenton Headquarters whilst the mamans cleared out to get their tootsies spruced up for the upcoming spring season. Sammy was pleased as a peacock to be able to test drive/smash and crash all of the older kids toys and trinkets as well as rock and rattle all the fascinating new window treatments and decor items of the household...the kidlet is into EVERYTHING these days......magazines and curtains seem to be the fan favorite. We all congregated for a huge gorge fest of seasfood, cheese, cake and anything and everything gluttunous. Sir Sammy-Food Afficianado sampled just about anything that travelled within 3 feet of his mouth. Before sinking into a permanant food coma, sammy and I snuck home whilst the dads headed out for a Man Movie night to take in 300....Timbit wisely took a pass on the flick as he deemed it excessively violent and racey.

Brunchin' w/ Da Babes

Sophie- Sam Man's Latest Crush

Sunday, Sammy was fortunate enough to be included in the gals bunch date with a gaggle of my old school buddies. Timbit was more than tickled to be the sole gentleman invited to dine with 6 lady friends. As per always, Sammy charmed the pants his fellow guests with his cajoling, cackles, and cheesy smiles. Sammy was particulary fond of 15 month old Sophie...whom Sammy was quick to snag a seat next to at the table.....I am afraid that the boy was a little too much of a showman and came on a little too strong for the dainty little lady.....he insisted on plunging his hands into her snack bowl to "share" her food and then proceeded to "sample"/ snack on all of her toys. I have to give the gal credit for being pretty non-plused about Sam Man's strong 'pick up' tactics. After slurping down yet another feast, we rolled back home to convene with Pops and Mar Mar for a dash down the Danforth.

Scholarly Sammy Proves He Is Mensa Material

Sacked Sammy managed to stay awake enough to score some new books from the the doting grandparents before fading away into a silent slumber whilst his fans ushered him in his chariot up the Danforth. It was then off to bedy bye early for the Tuckered Timbit after yet another demanding week of networking, eating, sleeping, and expanding upwards and outwards.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Hustle Bustle and Birthday Fun

Bonne Fete SUUper Nana

Timbit has been doing his best to fend off the winter blues by playing a wild game of catch up with a wide cast o' pals and pets. Friday, Jake and his chocolate lab- Ella came over to fire up a BBQ Bash and to watch the Raps play. Sadly, Sam Man was more impressed with playing with his pile of magazines and boxes than with watching the game or bonding with his guests. I swear to God the boy is part gerbil given his obsession with shredding crumpling and shredding any paper in sight.

Gentleman Sam Prefers Blondes (especially those bearing gifts)

Saturday, Lynny and Krista came over for a catch up visit and to shower indulged Sam Man with yet more cute yuppylicious baby clothes. The outfit designed for 18 month year olds- JUST barely fits over Supersize Sammy's busting belly. I am so hoping that as the boy stretches out some more...he may (just maybe)be able to re-visit some of the skin tight duds he has already outgrown. Mandy also popped by for a visit to show off her girth growth since her last visit....just 8 more weeks until she is due to pop out a sidekick for Sammy. We sussed out this wicked kitchy retro diner/old train staion for lunch . The place was decked with classic artificacts vintage Atari systems and highchairs from circa 1970. We then trekked off to the Scarbs- the epicenter of cultural to reunite with daddy who had been helping out a friend with repairs and fix ups on their place. Super Scammer Sammy and I swooped in for the evening to cash in on the 'thank you' dinner after his poor papa drowned in the sweat of his labour. We rolled home at an early as the picky pernickety timbit would not lower himself to slumber in the playpen....pens are apparantly for swines not for the Selective Sammy.

Timbit and Expectant Maman Mandy Compare Girth Size

I ended up cuddling up with the hulky bulky Supersize Sammy for one night's stretch was a special treat. I totally love listening to the super man's sighs, grunts, and snores while he slumbers away in La La Land. Monday morning it was back to the Big Smoke for Timbit to log yet another gruelling and demanding work week.